Tag: Sector Research


Batteries – Sector Research by 350 PPM

Introduction: Batteries are already ubiquitous in everyday life, surrounded as we are by countless electronic devices powered by them. Helped by this mass adoption in consumer electronic devices, batteries are now spreading into other, larger scale applications, key amongst them electric vehicles (EVs) and stationary battery electricity storage systems (BESSs). Content: This report provides a brief introduction to BESSs. We cover the technology and its applications, as well as historical, current and potential future deployment. Here is the outline for the content of this report: Introduction Battery Basics Battery Electricity Storage Systems (BESSs) Lithium-ion Batteries, Types and its Applications BESS Applications and Use Cases [...]

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Ocean Energy Report Cover

Sector Research: Ocean Energy

Introduction Oceans cover 70% of the earth's surface which points out to the huge potential of Ocean Energy. Driven by earth's rotation and interaction with the sun and moon, this immense mass of water is constantly on the move. This motion, together with the thermal and chemical properties of seawater, provide a vast and almost entirely untapped source of renewable energy. In this report, we provide a brief introduction to the entertaining topic of capturing energy from the oceans as well as related statistics. In fact, estimates suggest this could cover the entire global electricity demand. Click here to read the full [...]

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ESG Funds

Sector Research: Listed Environmental Investments: An Introduction

By Otis Harrison, CFA. Click here to read the full report: Listed Environmental Investments: An Introduction ESG Funds Introduction: When it comes to investing, the notion that you can make money in the market and feel good about your investments is a compelling one. It is responsible for a huge trend in global markets. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds saw net inflows of 20.6 billion USD in 2019, four times that of 2018. By the end of 2019, this record inflow brought total ESG fund assets to 137.3 billion USD. This figure represents less than 1% of the wider [...]

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Tyre Recycling

Sector Research: Tyre Recycling

Click here to read the full report: Tyre Recycling Report Introduction: End-of-life tyres, henceforth ELTs, are a significant waste problem. Billions ELTs are generated worldwide each year, with billions more currently stockpiled. ELTs have a complex construction which means they do not naturally decompose. It is also not easy to recycle ELTs. In the first part of this report, we examine what is currently done with ELTs. Typically, they are combusted to reclaim their energy content. That's to say, physically broken up for reuse in rubber products, or dumped in landfill. In the second part, we look at how how to deal with ELTs [...]

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Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions

Sector Research: Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions

Click here to read the full report: Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions Add our homes together and they generate about 20% of the UK's overall CO2 emissions. That's to say, the average home generates 6 tonnes a year. Our homes' energy supplies have their own significant carbon footprint. This costs us on average £1250 a year. This is according to The Money Advice Service. Methods to Cut Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions: This report outlines methods to cut carbon emissions and energy costs in the home, as the two are closely and happily related. [...]

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Cement Industry - Emission Reduction - 350 PPM

Sector Research: Reducing Emissions in the Cement Industry

We bring you some insightful new research:  Reducing Emissions in the Cement Industry by 350 PPM.  This is a 12 page report from 350 PPM research team, which looks at reducing the environmental impact of cement.  Often overlooked when examining Green House Gas (GHG).  Cars, planes and power plants are common to think about when contemplating CO2 emissions but cement is rarely spoken of, despite producing 2.2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2016.  “. If we are to have any hope of meeting the temperature goals set out in the Paris Agreement, global economies need to focus on dramatically reducing emissions in the cement industry, [...]

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