Tag: Sustainable Food


IMPAQT: Supporting the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture

In a recent post on Open Access Government, Coordinator of the Intelligent Management Systems for Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMPAQT) project Frank Kane discusses the path to revolutionising aquaculture and increasing the industry’s sustainability. With research and innovation at its core, the H2020 IMPAQT project brings together 21 multi-disciplinary partners, coordinated by the Marine Institute in Ireland, to develop and validate an intelligent management platform for sustainable integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) production. IMTA is a fresh concept in aquaculture where multiple species, from different levels on the food chain, are farmed on the same site, or within the vicinity of each [...]

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Is Aquaculture sustainable? – Australian Marine Conservation Society

Aquaculture or rather, fish farming, attracts considerable controversy. Some say it’s the most environmentally efficient food system we’ve got. Others say farmed fish are toxic, fed waste products and are polluting our precious oceans. The reality is that all of these things can be true. Let’s discuss. In terms of broad environmental impact, aquaculture has the potential to grow food more efficiently than most forms of animal agriculture as it can be done with substantially less reliance on natural resources. In the past we have made a lot of environmental mistakes on land and as we increase our focus on fish [...]

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Additional Information on My Healthy Kick Sustainability – Bivalue and Free Range Fish Farming

Healthy Kicks Plan To Utilise redundant wave power technology to farm Bivalves and Create Healthy Ecosystem where there were none gains credibility. Can bivalve aquaculture prevent the “widespread institutional failure” of our attempts to tackle climate change? According to The Fish Site, bivalve mollusc farming and microalgal farming enterprises provide viable, profitable and sustainable alternatives to all the industrial carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies being promoted today. “Deep-rooted, widespread institutional failure” is one of the headlines of the Dasgupta Review by Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta, of the University of Cambridge, in the Economics of Biodiversity. Published on 2 February, this detailed review was [...]

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The Whole Food Value Chain Needs a Complete Rethink: We Cannot Go On Like This

For along time the adverse environmental affects of Food Production and Distribution have been downplayed. We will be covering this later in a specific Research Report on the subject but for now, 3 Programs from Netflix that will convince you: Introduction From 350 PPM: The Food Supply Chain From An Environmental Perspective You no longer need to be a keen environmentalist (not that I am), to work out we are destroying the oceans; its feedstock and its ability to sequester CO2 and CH4. We are also destroying the forests making way for agriculture. At the same time, we continue to toll the soil [...]

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