Tag: Seaspiracy

The Whole Food Value Chain Needs a Complete Rethink: We Cannot Go On Like This

For along time the adverse environmental affects of Food Production and Distribution have been downplayed. We will be covering this later in a specific Research Report on the subject but for now, 3 Programs from Netflix that will convince you: Introduction From 350 PPM: The Food Supply Chain From An Environmental Perspective You no longer need to be a keen environmentalist (not that I am), to work out we are destroying the oceans; its feedstock and its ability to sequester CO2 and CH4. We are also destroying the forests making way for agriculture. At the same time, we continue to toll the soil [...]

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Seaspiracy – A Netflix Documentary – 350 PPM Ltd

There has been a lot of press recently around the 2021, Netflix Documentary, Seaspiracy.  The film looks at the environmental impact of fishing on marine life.  Specifically, it looks at plastic marine nets, ghost nets and overfishing.  Also, it echoes our views regarding the food sector.  Namely, it creates the greatest threat to human life on our planet, as it is operating currently. Here is a link to the trailer on Youtube: Seaspiracy You can watch the full documentary film on Netflix. As you know, we are always researching new environmental opportunities and one of the areas we are currently looking at is an [...]

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