Tag: Renewable money blog

Cement Industry - Emission Reduction - 350 PPM

Sector Research: Reducing Emissions in the Cement Industry

We bring you some insightful new research:  Reducing Emissions in the Cement Industry by 350 PPM.  This is a 12 page report from 350 PPM research team, which looks at reducing the environmental impact of cement.  Often overlooked when examining Green House Gas (GHG).  Cars, planes and power plants are common to think about when contemplating CO2 emissions but cement is rarely spoken of, despite producing 2.2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2016.  “. If we are to have any hope of meeting the temperature goals set out in the Paris Agreement, global economies need to focus on dramatically reducing emissions in the cement industry, [...]

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Blog Post 350PPM

Storelectric: Mark Howitt speaks from the Sustainable and Social Investing Conference 2019

Here is our latest video from the platform of the Sustainable and Social Investing Conference 2019 in London. It features Mark Howitt, Chief Technical Officer and a founding director of Storelectric. 350 PPM exhibited with Storelectric at the SSIC 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy1Xj9W1WoM For access to 350 PPM's proprietary environmental research and comment or for an introduction to Storelectric, please contact James McDonnell at 350 PPM on +44 (0)20 7268 4873 or via jamesm@350ppm.co.uk or register on our website www.350ppm.co.uk

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PAPA ONE – Introduction Video

PAPA ONE (Paris Agreement Project Accelerator) from the 350 PPM portfolio have created a video detailing who they are and what they do. “The key purposes of PAPA ONE is to help with climate change and to do every bit that we can to increase electricity generation through renewable means” - Luis Novella, Chairman. Hear also from MD, Adam Smith and 350 PPM, Director, Nick Dimmock with valuable insights into Mexico, the renewable market and potential for investors. Click below to watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5NloV6RGWk&feature=youtu.be PAPA ONE

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Kids making 350 PPM logo

Environmental Finance News 350 PPM Ltd – 30.12.19

Our last Environmental Finance News Mailer of 2019 is out. It contains a roundup from COP 25 and what it means going forwards.The mailer also includes links to articles from the environmental and renewable sector, which we think will interest you. Click below for complete details: See Complete Email Here If you wish to receive our future mailers, please click here

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London Investor Show and Introduction to Plastic Green Power

350 PPM exhibited at the London Investor Show with its partner companies. It was a huge success with investors taking deep interest in 350 PPM Capitalist Solutions to Climate Change. Watch 350 PPM team, Nicholas Dimmock (Director, 350 PPM Ltd) along with Sean Lindgren (Founder & CEO PGP), giving away detailed intro on Plastic Green Power. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhhnav3eod4 Plastic Green Power - A Detailed Introdcution

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Return of the Capacity Market and additional subsidies available for Storelectric and Plastic Green Power.

Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Andrea Leadsom had given a statement in the House of Commons on the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York on 23rd September, 2019. Following her statement, the Secretary of State, has published the Energy Policy as well: "The Government welcomes the Commission’s decision, which enables the Capacity Market to resume its important work as Great Britain’s principal tool for ensuring electricity security of supply and provides confidence that its design is fit for purpose." Andrea Leadsom (Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) For complete [...]

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