Tag: 350 PPM

Hydrogen Energy Storage by Storelectric

The Genesis of Storelectric Ltd

“All the batteries we make now can ONLY store 10 minutes of the world’s electricity needs, we need a breakthrough here, something that is going to be a factor of a HUNDRED better than what we have today"Bill Gates  Since 2013, Storelectric has been developing utility scale energy storage technologies. Storelectric Ltd was the 2nd Company 350 PPM backed in 2017 and then again in 2019. Finally, you can find Storelectric's Energy Storage with Hydrogen Patent here - granted in the UK and specific to Green Hydrogen, which was filled in 2015, years before anyone was even thinking about Hydrogen (hyperbole).  Having won The [...]

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Additional Information on My Healthy Kick Sustainability – Bivalue and Free Range Fish Farming

Healthy Kicks Plan To Utilise redundant wave power technology to farm Bivalves and Create Healthy Ecosystem where there were none gains credibility. Can bivalve aquaculture prevent the “widespread institutional failure” of our attempts to tackle climate change? According to The Fish Site, bivalve mollusc farming and microalgal farming enterprises provide viable, profitable and sustainable alternatives to all the industrial carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies being promoted today. “Deep-rooted, widespread institutional failure” is one of the headlines of the Dasgupta Review by Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta, of the University of Cambridge, in the Economics of Biodiversity. Published on 2 February, this detailed review was [...]

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The Whole Food Value Chain Needs a Complete Rethink: We Cannot Go On Like This

For along time the adverse environmental affects of Food Production and Distribution have been downplayed. We will be covering this later in a specific Research Report on the subject but for now, 3 Programs from Netflix that will convince you: Introduction From 350 PPM: The Food Supply Chain From An Environmental Perspective You no longer need to be a keen environmentalist (not that I am), to work out we are destroying the oceans; its feedstock and its ability to sequester CO2 and CH4. We are also destroying the forests making way for agriculture. At the same time, we continue to toll the soil [...]

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My Healthy Kick

My Healthy Kick Gains SEIS Advance Assurance From HMRC

We are pleased to announce that, My Healthy Kick Ltd has received advance assurance from H M Revenue & Customs. Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) After this assurance, My Healthy Kick will be authorised to issue compliance certificate under Section 257EC(1) of the Income Tax Act (ITA) 2007. More information about the SEIS can be found on www.gov.uk by searching VCN35000 for the SEIS. My Healthy Kick is developing a range of healthy, tasty, environmentally conscientious vitamin infused drinks and bars. The commercialisation of the above will then be followed by the development and launch of a range of vitamin infused vegetarian meals. [...]

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Hydrogen Energy Storage by Storelectric

Storelectric’s Hydrogen Energy Storage Patent Granted

Storelectric’s Green Hydrogen Patent for its invention, a Hybrid CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) / Hydrogen Energy Storage System has been granted in the United Kingdom. What does this give them? We estimate it gives them control of 50% of the green hydrogen market in the United Kingdom. The US, EU, China and Canada are patent pending, with other patents due for submission for ROR. The patent does not in any way cover Grey or Black Hydrogen, but this hydrogen is produced using fossil fuels and thus produces emissions. Presently most of the global market for Hydrogen is grey or black hydrogen, [...]

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Batteries – Sector Research by 350 PPM

Introduction: Batteries are already ubiquitous in everyday life, surrounded as we are by countless electronic devices powered by them. Helped by this mass adoption in consumer electronic devices, batteries are now spreading into other, larger scale applications, key amongst them electric vehicles (EVs) and stationary battery electricity storage systems (BESSs). Content: This report provides a brief introduction to BESSs. We cover the technology and its applications, as well as historical, current and potential future deployment. Here is the outline for the content of this report: Introduction Battery Basics Battery Electricity Storage Systems (BESSs) Lithium-ion Batteries, Types and its Applications BESS Applications and Use Cases [...]

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350 PPM Companies Update

Dear 350 PPM Follower / Subscriber / Investor / Reader, We are writing to you because at some point you have requested information from us on Environmental / ESG Investments or we have made introductions to participating environmental companies on your behalf – you may then have subsequently invested. Please note, all of the companies detailed below have their own investor relations teams, which are specially trained on the company, its developments and prospects. If we introduce you to any of these businesses, we can gain a commission, which pays wages and finances our research, which you can view here for free. All [...]

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Seaspiracy – A Netflix Documentary – 350 PPM Ltd

There has been a lot of press recently around the 2021, Netflix Documentary, Seaspiracy.  The film looks at the environmental impact of fishing on marine life.  Specifically, it looks at plastic marine nets, ghost nets and overfishing.  Also, it echoes our views regarding the food sector.  Namely, it creates the greatest threat to human life on our planet, as it is operating currently. Here is a link to the trailer on Youtube: Seaspiracy You can watch the full documentary film on Netflix. As you know, we are always researching new environmental opportunities and one of the areas we are currently looking at is an [...]

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Environmental Finance News 350 PPM Ltd – 25-03-2021

Environmental Finance News - 350 PPM Ltd 350 PPM hand picks cutting edge environmental projects to showcase their proposals to its highly regarded environmental investor base Company News This month we look at battery energy storage. One of the issues with renewable energy is that it doesn’t necessarily happen when you need it, which makes storing and releasing it so important. Wind and solar is intermittent and if the wind drops or the cloud comes across, emergency power has to kick in. Lithium-ion batteries such as those used in Tesla cars are currently the main technology used to store and manage energy created [...]

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Environmental Finance News 350 PPM Ltd – 05-02-2021

This update is provided for information purposes only.  It is not intended to be construed as a solicitation for the sale of any particular investment nor as investment advice. Environmental Finance News - 350 PPM Ltd 350 PPM hand picks cutting edge environmental projects to showcase their proposals to its highly regarded environmental investor base Company News By the end of this month the US will once again be signed up to The Paris Agreement.    This is one of more than 100 climate related policies to be reversed by Joe Biden and his administration.  This is not only great news for the world’s largest economy, but [...]

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