Tag: 350 PPM Ltd

ENG8 (International) Ltd – Catalyzed Fusion Achieves Q Value of 2.4 Thermal and 2.0 Electricity

Update from ENG8 below: We have just released their latest video featuring testing by:   An Independent Validator It is a not-for-profit organization whose goods are to establish, maintain, and operate laboratories for the investigation of materials, devices, products equipment, constructions, methods, and systems with respect to hazards affecting life and property). In short, it’s one of the largest testing and certification entity, and; IEP Grupo (www.iep.pt) - Headquartered in Portugal The IEP is a technological infrastructure group that supports business fabric, with relevant activities in the areas of Inspection, Laboratory and Metrological Tests, Sustainability and Energy, Consultancy and Training. The summary from the tests (provisionally, as [...]

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A step closer to a fusion-powered future

Catalysed fusion specialists at ENG8 International have confirmed the successful validations of two EnergiCells by the Instituton Electrotécnico Português (IEP.pt) in Portugal and an independent validator. Both agencies carried out the independent validation of one EnergiCell that was shown to have a thermal Q factor of 2.4 units of thermal energy out verses electricity in (without the new pulse generator, with the pulse generator the result is Q factor 5+). Another EnergiCell tested by an independent validator was shown to have an electrical Q factor of 2 units of electrical energy out versus electricity in. Valeria Tyutina, CEO at ENG8, said: “Further [...]

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Making a meaningful difference to the green agenda

The devasting effects of climate change are being witnessed around the world as we are fast approaching a 1.5°C rise in global temperature – a crucial tipping point after which irreversible damage will be done. To curb global warming, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% compared with 2019 levels – taking CO₂ levels from 410 parts per million (PPM) to 350 PPM or below. Yet currently, the combined Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), countries’ climate pledges under the Paris Agreement, would mean only a 10% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, putting the world on track for a 2.5°C increase. So, [...]

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Electrifying Developments at ENG8

Dear All, Please find the link to new article from ENG8 which will be hitting the press in the coming days. From their website: Electrifying Developments at ENG8 Ready On Linkedin: View on LinkedIn Please feel free to forward on. For further information: Download ENG8's Information Memorandum Kind Regards Nicholas Dimmock (BA MBA CASS)Managing Director350 PPM Ltd

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O-Hx (with a 2 MWh Cold Battery) and ENG8 (with Catalysed Fusion Energicells) Updates

Here are the updates from Companies 350 PPM is working with at the moment: The first Energivault is now operating at Quotient Sciences, at their plant in Alnwick, above Newcastle.An open day was held in July.Energivault has been shortlisted for: Refrigeration Innovation of the Year at The RAC Cooling Industry Awards, and thus is a finalist, taking place at The Grosvenor Hotel on 21st September.O-Hx and EnergiVault has been featured a fair bit in the press. Ultimately, in simplest terms and not even using the AI being developed to learn the best times for operators to charge and discharge Energivault, if using Octopus Variable Tariff, each night, [...]

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Energy security boost with multi-million backing for renewables

Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps announces £22 million uplift for flagship scheme. £22 million boost for government’s flagship renewables scheme, making available contracts for renewable power generation potentially worth billions of pounds in total over the scheme’s lifetimefunding for established technologies such as solar and offshore wind, some of the cheapest domestic energy sources available, will ensure Britain remains a global leader in renewable energythe Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme plays a key role in boosting the UK’s energy security, growing our economy and powering more of Britain from Britain A multi-million-pound boost for cleaner, more secure energy will make Britain the [...]

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One of UK’s biggest offshore wind farms gets the green light from Government – renewableUK

Plans for a wind farm off the Yorkshire coast capable of powering more than a million homes have been approved. Energy Secretary Grant Shapps granted consent for phase four of the Hornsea windfarm development on Wednesday. Commenting on the Government’s decision to approve Ørsted’s Hornsea Four offshore wind project off the coast of East Yorkshire, RenewableUK’s Executive Director of Policy Ana Musat said: “It’s great to see one of the UK’s largest offshore wind farms getting the green light from the Government, at a time when we urgently need to get cracking on building new clean energy projects to generate the cheapest power for billpayers [...]

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Top UK energy firms to warn Rishi Sunak: ‘Don’t back off green agenda’ – The Guardian

More than 100 companies are set to send a letter to the PM voicing fears about the disastrous effects of Britain’s overreliance on gas. More than 100 of the UK’s biggest energy companies will tell Rishi Sunak this week not to back off the green agenda after a report by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) warned of catastrophic effects on the economy of continued overreliance on gas. The energy sector is becoming so alarmed at what it sees as the Sunak government’s mixed messages on switching to more renewable energy that big UK companies are ready to go public with a letter to Downing Street [...]

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Tighter limit on industrial, power and aviation emissions, as UK leads the way to net zero

The UK Emissions Trading Scheme Authority has announced a package of reforms to tighten limits on industrial, power and aviation emissions from 2024. UK power and industrial sectors to trailblaze the way to decarbonisation, as a tighter cap confirmed for emissions from selected high energy industries that will set a path to the country’s ambitious climate goals. Today a package of reforms has been announced by the UK Emissions Trading Scheme Authority (UK ETS) – the joint body comprising the UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland that runs the scheme. The scheme [...]

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