Tag: 350 PPM Ltd

350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 5

Please see below for Part 5 of our 2023 highlights series though GreenMine is really our focus for 2024. GreenMine has co-developed a zero emissions waste processing technology that can process new waste as well as existing legacy waste in landfills. GreenMine's process produces valuable offtakes and green power.  Thus, GreenMine provides a waste solution, a landfill liability solution and facilitates a housing solution in the UK and soon, worldwide, through landfill clearance, remediation and redevelopment. With your help, we anticipated GreenMine will go on a tear this year. The road ahead is paved with counterparties that wish to work with GreenMine, funders [...]

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ENG8 at Greenbackers COP28 (Pitch) in London

GREENBACKERS Investment Capital are specialists for cleantech and climate technology venture capital and first-institutional funding. They help start-up and scale-up founders who either: can’t afford the fees of a big investment house, worry that most advisors are too ‘generalist’, or are too busy running their businesses to do it themselves. Greenbackers hosted its’ bi-annual Super Pitch in London in December…with 20 fantastic cleantech businesses in a room full of investors. ENG8 also presented their pitch with 350 PPM's Chairman, Nicholas Dimmock and Haslen Back, Co-Founder and BDO at ENG8, presenting the pitch. "We know that the ENG8's EnergiCell works because it has [...]

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350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 4

Please see below for Part 4 of our 2023 highlights series.  ENG8 now completing due diligence with two institutional funders for 10M Initial Investment. We were introduced to ENG8 International Ltd in February 2022. They and their team of operators, engineers and scientists had developed the EnergiCell, in which a low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) involving catalysis occurs. Its fusion Jim, but not as we know it. Quite how it works is still being interpreted, but ENG8 are naturally nervous about giving away the ingredients to their secret sauce. My personal belief is that when the H20 molecule is plasmarised, the hydrogen downgrades from [...]

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350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 3

Please see below for Part 3 of our 2023 highlights series.  Megawatt Mosaic Records 1st Year Revenue of €86,596.25 Megawatt Mosaic Ltd is a joint venture between 350 PPM, its team as individuals and the team from an existing and successful Solar and BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) pre-construction developer. I say successful, as our partners had a track record of the sale of 17 pre-construction development projects in the three years before they joined Megawatt Mosaic. Pre-construction development is everything that needs to happen before project construction can start. The fundraise occurred in late 2022 and was completed in Q1 2023. It [...]

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350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 2

Please see below for Part 2 of our 2023 highlights series.  Organic Heat Exchangers Ltd is the inventor of the EnergiVault, which is a COLD Battery. With energy storage, it's proven that it is much more efficient and effective to hold the energy or lack of it (in the case of cooling), in the medium of use. If you need cold, hold the energy as cold, heat; hold it as heat, etc etc. This is the principal of EnergiVault – the cold battery. Cooling probably represents circa 20% of energy usage worldwide. In some locations up to 80% of a country’s electricity [...]

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350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 1

Overall, if you take the value of the four companies we were working with on 1st January 2023, which I estimate to be collectively around circa £39M, and contrast this with the values of the same businesses on 1st January 2024, which I estimate to be £106M, you could say we have had a pretty good year. Of course, revaluations are largely baseless without the ability to exit. Yet two of the companies we are working with are engaged with numerous institutional investors. Institutional investors are generally quite keen on providing some form of exit for early-stage investors, and both Megawatt [...]

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rising sea temperature

Time to turn the tide on climate change

By Dr Jacqui Taylor, Clean Tech Advisor at 350PPM COP28 marked a pivotal moment in climate change talks with the first-ever global stocktake since the Paris Agreement. It also included the first-ever agreement to transition “away from fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner, accelerating action in this critical decade, so as to achieve net zero by 2050 in keeping with the science.”. However, the UN’s climate change conference has fallen disastrously short of enforcing a fossil fuel phase-out or indeed providing sufficient climate finance, known as Loss and Damage, to support affected communities in dealing with [...]

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Global warming

What’s the big deal about the earth getting hotter?

As we eagerly await the outcome of COP28 later this week, many will be taking stock of the targets set in the Paris Agreement back in 2015 when 196 parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) signed a legally binding international treaty on climate change. Its overarching goal was to hold “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.” Despite the explosion of clean energy during the past decade, global warming has cruised through 1.5°C and looks set to continue increasing, unless [...]

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GreenMine is the new trading name for Pyrolysise

GreenMine, the new trading name of Pyrolysise Ltd, is gaining significant traction. GreenMine has co-developed a series of technologies designed for processing unsorted municipal waste (including plastics) from kerbside collection and landfill sites. One of them is detailed here. Municipal waste is a significant contributor to atmospheric pollution with landfill accounting for 4% of greenhouse gases in the UK. Landfills can also contaminate water supply through leachate into the subsoil. With GreenMine's technology, unsorted waste can be processed into bio-coal (allowing energy generation), bio-char (the new black gold), bio-oil (including lignin) and recyclables (glass, metals, minerals etc). Green baseload power and as [...]

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New grant funding adviser joins the team

We’re excited to announce that Colm Macqueen has joined the team at 350PPM. As a keen supporter of initiatives and innovation for sustainable development, Colm will be helping our clients access government grants and funding from related institutions. He said: “We are aiming to secure Innovate UK Smart Grants for our portfolio of climate tech pioneers. Our clients, offering solutions in battery energy storage systems/solar, waste carbonisation, heat storage/cooling, tidal and low-energy catalysed fusion, are prime contenders for this, and similar funding. A successful collaboration with government bodies will also amplify our startups' credibility among private investors, VCs, family offices and institutional [...]

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