Category: Updates

350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 2

Please see below for Part 2 of our 2023 highlights series.  Organic Heat Exchangers Ltd is the inventor of the EnergiVault, which is a COLD Battery. With energy storage, it's proven that it is much more efficient and effective to hold the energy or lack of it (in the case of cooling), in the medium of use. If you need cold, hold the energy as cold, heat; hold it as heat, etc etc. This is the principal of EnergiVault – the cold battery. Cooling probably represents circa 20% of energy usage worldwide. In some locations up to 80% of a country’s electricity [...]

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350 PPM LTD: Highlights of 2023 – PART 1

Overall, if you take the value of the four companies we were working with on 1st January 2023, which I estimate to be collectively around circa £39M, and contrast this with the values of the same businesses on 1st January 2024, which I estimate to be £106M, you could say we have had a pretty good year. Of course, revaluations are largely baseless without the ability to exit. Yet two of the companies we are working with are engaged with numerous institutional investors. Institutional investors are generally quite keen on providing some form of exit for early-stage investors, and both Megawatt [...]

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GreenMine is the new trading name for Pyrolysise

GreenMine, the new trading name of Pyrolysise Ltd, is gaining significant traction. GreenMine has co-developed a series of technologies designed for processing unsorted municipal waste (including plastics) from kerbside collection and landfill sites. One of them is detailed here. Municipal waste is a significant contributor to atmospheric pollution with landfill accounting for 4% of greenhouse gases in the UK. Landfills can also contaminate water supply through leachate into the subsoil. With GreenMine's technology, unsorted waste can be processed into bio-coal (allowing energy generation), bio-char (the new black gold), bio-oil (including lignin) and recyclables (glass, metals, minerals etc). Green baseload power and as [...]

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350 PPM Updates: Here comes Cool Net Zero: O-Hx releases EnergiVault’s 2-10

Dear All, Please see below for the latest updates from our client companies. Organic Heat Exchangers Ltd EnergiVault is a 1 MWh cold battery that can reduce cooling costs and carbon emissions by between 50% and even 100% in some circumstances.O-Hx has now released EnergiVaults 2-10, after extensive (very successful) trials at Quotient Sciences: A US Pharma.In fact, Quotient have given us a 95% rating, which means they are pretty happy with how Energivault has performed and thus we are now releasing EnergiVault’s 0000002 – 0000010.Here is the video update: O-Hx Releases EnergiVault's 2-10 Here is the link to our blog post with the three [...]

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350 PPM Updates: Pyrolysise Identifies Second Site, O-Hx Releases EnergiVault, 350 PPM adds to Dream Team

Dear All, Please see below for the latest updates from our client companies. PYROLYSISE LTD Pyrolysise has identified a second site for installation of its Waste Carbonisation Plants (WCP’s).The WCP’s can process unsorted waste, emissions and particle pollutants free, producing offtakes: Mineral Recyclables, Bio-Coal, Bio-Char and Bio-Oil.For these sites and others, we will be working with counterparties on site to utilise the Bio-Coal to develop baseload green energy and export to the grid.The mineral recyclables, bio-char and bio-oils will be sold off separately. One WCP, lease financed for circa £5M, will develop revenues of circa £290K per month.One WCP, which is based overseas, [...]

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350 PPM Updates: Pyrolysise hires Stopfords Engineering

Dear All, Just a couple of things before we get going: ENG8's Micro Fusion Technology is attracting an increasing amount of interest from larger funding sources; such as UHNW's, Family Offices and VC's.  Our efforts and your decisions to fund them have elevated them: their capabilities show through, their technology develops, new people join, their optimism, confidence and energy grows (no pun intended) and corporates now approach them for partnership opps across a plethora of products that could be fuelled by EnergiCells. Not least, the share price goes on a tear from £1.80 in February 2022, to £12.00 today and between £17.00 and [...]

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350 PPM Updates: ENG8 Q value provisional 5 electrical to electrical, Pyrolysise gains traction as application grows

News from two companies we are working with. Here are the updates from the companies themselves: ENG8 (International) Ltd ENG8’s Electrical to Electrical EnergiCell was tested at Culham Innovation Centre, home to The UK’s Atomic Energy Authority on Thursday 19th October 2023. In each run of circa 10 minutes, it scored circa 5; 1 unit of energy in, 5 liberated by fusion, so net 4. We must wait for the full report to see the exact figure. An independent validator, that tested it, thinks it can go up to a Q Value of 30. There is a lot of discussion about the [...]

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Pyrolysise Launch Fundraise, Release IM and Video to Finance Waste Carbonisation Technology

News from Pyrolysise Ltd, that 350 PPM has been working with since May 2021: PYROLYSISE LTD Pyrolysise aims to revolutionise waste processing and clean and redevelop landfills though co-development of Carbonisation technology which can process unsorted waste, emissions and particulate free. The process creates offtakes of: Bio-Coal, Bio-Char, Bio-Oil and Mineral Recyclables in proportions dependent on the inputs. One WCP (Waste Carbonisation Plant) is in operation now, which processes 10% Municipal Solid Waste and 90% Plastic, yet the WCP’s can be adapted for all waste types. Plastic processing will be an interesting development in the UK as subsidies are expected to be between £200-300 [...]

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Megawatt Mosaic Investor Update

Wind power and solar energy are the most widely used renewable energy sources, but while these sources of power are clean and renewable, they have one main disadvantage — they are not available 100% of the time. Solar power is only available during the day, while wind does not blow continuously. Solar power is, therefore, mostly available when there is less of a need for lighting homes for example. Wind power is a variable resource, and the amount of electricity produced at any given point in time by a given plant will depend on wind speeds, air density, and turbine characteristics [...]

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