Category: Research

Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions

Sector Research: Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions

Click here to read the full report: Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions Add our homes together and they generate about 20% of the UK's overall CO2 emissions. That's to say, the average home generates 6 tonnes a year. Our homes' energy supplies have their own significant carbon footprint. This costs us on average £1250 a year. This is according to The Money Advice Service. Methods to Cut Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions: This report outlines methods to cut carbon emissions and energy costs in the home, as the two are closely and happily related. [...]

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Sector Research: Opportunities in Latin American Solar.

We are pleased to bring you the latest sector research from the 350 PPM Research Department. Focusing on Opportunities in Latin American Solar. This report will outline some of Latin America's key tools to promote investment and provide an insight into some of the region's most attractive markets for solar investment. Please see below for an overview with extracts from the full report. Click below to download the full report: Click Here for Full Report: Sector Research - Opportunities in Latin American Solar Solar in 2020 & Key Mechanisms The report opens with a review of Solar in 2020 and [...]

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Cement Industry - Emission Reduction - 350 PPM

Sector Research: Reducing Emissions in the Cement Industry

We bring you some insightful new research:  Reducing Emissions in the Cement Industry by 350 PPM.  This is a 12 page report from 350 PPM research team, which looks at reducing the environmental impact of cement.  Often overlooked when examining Green House Gas (GHG).  Cars, planes and power plants are common to think about when contemplating CO2 emissions but cement is rarely spoken of, despite producing 2.2 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2016.  “. If we are to have any hope of meeting the temperature goals set out in the Paris Agreement, global economies need to focus on dramatically reducing emissions in the cement industry, [...]

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Sector Research – Hydrogen – Is Rocket Fuel the Fuel of the Future?

Today we release the latest in our line of introductions to 350 PPM relevant sectors of the economy, this time focusing on hydrogen.  Given the breadth and potential importance of the subject matter, this is a more involved report than previous releases.  We provide an extract below, and you can download the full report using the following link: CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT: Sector Research Hydrogen Introduction Given a clearer picture of the consequences, climate change ambitions – certainly in the UK - are shifting towards the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels, rather than 2 ºC.  This [...]

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Today we release the latest in our line of short introductions to 350 PPM relevant sectors of the economy, this time focusing on bio-refining in the UK.  We provide an introduction below, and you can download the report using the following link:  FOR THE FULL REPORT PLEASE CLICK HERE 350 PPM Sector Research - Biorefining in the UK - OH - 2019 07 10 In the early 2000's more sophisticated US satellites started picking up dark spots appearing in the Nevada Desert. Under further investigation by Federal Agencies it was found that trucks were illegally fly tipping fatty wastes including what is known [...]

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Gigawatt Scale Storage for Gigawatt Scale Renewables

Here is an interesting article by co-founder and CTO of Storelectric Mark Howitt about the need for gigawatt scale storage to enable gigawatt scale renewables.  This was published in the Journal of Energy and Power Engineering.  Read the abstract below, and to download the full article please use this link: Gigawatt Scale Storage for Gigawatt Scale Renewables Abstract Multi-GW renewables need multi-GW storage, or fossil fuelled power stations will be needed to balance for intermittency. For the same reason, such balancing must be able to last for an entire evening peak if renewables are not generating at the same time. Batteries and DSR [...]

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Sector Research – Recycling Plastics

Today we release the latest in our line of short introductions to 350 PPM relevant sectors of the economy, this time focusing on recycling plastics.  We provide an extract below, and you can download the report using the following link: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO ACCESS FULL REPORT: Sector Research: Recycling Plastics   Introduction Plastic is incredibly useful. To name a few reasons why: it’s versatile, lightweight, waterproof and cheap. Each year, we produce an amount of plastic roughly equivalent to the mass of two-thirds of the world’s population. Much of this quickly ends up as waste, with most not currently recycled and, unfortunately, ~3% entering the ocean. [...]

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Video: Visit to a Gas Peaker Site

A 'gas peaker' is a flexible form of electricity generation plant. Gas peakers can potentially be used to balance out the intermittency of renewable power sources more economically and cleanly than traditional gas plants. 350 PPM is completing due diligence on this sector, with a view to potentially creating a share offering for a company called Power On Demand Services (PODS). To this end, 350 PPM visited a gas peaker site in Birmingham and spoke to some of the experts who are part of the PODS team. Watch the video below and for more [...]

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Sector Research – Gas Engine Peakers

Today we release the latest in our line of short introductions to 350 PPM relevant sectors of the economy, this time focusing on gas engine peakers, a flexible type of electricity generation plant. The report can be downloaded at the following link: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE FULL REPORT: Sector Research: Gas Engine Peakers Introduction This report provides a brief introduction to gas engine peakers, a flexible type of electricity generation plant, including the critical role they could play in the fight against climate change. This might, at first sight, seem like a somewhat dubious thing to suggest. How can burning gas possibly [...]

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Your Guide to Profiting from The Paris Agreement

Nicholas Dimmock, Director of Investor Relations here at 350 PPM, has been hard at work.  He has created a new guide to profiting from the Paris Agreement.  Download it at the following link: Your Guide to Profiting from The Paris Agreement Below is an extract from the guide.... Have you had your Environmental Epiphany, yet? When I arrived at 7.30 AM for my first day on Tullett Prebon’ s Emissions Trading Desk in August 2007, fresh from completing my Executive MBA, I fully expected to spend the rest of my career there. By 9 AM, my plans had changed as I realised the scale and scope of the opportunity [...]

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