Category: Directors Comment


Article Name: Green Investing Solutions through The Enterprise Investment Scheme Posted By: Andrew Walker Original Author: Nicholas Dimmock Source: 350 PPM Ltd Compliance Status: This article has been approved by Kession Capital as a Financial Promotion. Status / Reproduction Status: (either) This article has been written and compiled by 350 PPM Ltd. 350 PPM Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Kession Capital Limited (FRN: 582160) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Tax treatment is dependent upon individual circumstances and may be be subject to change in future.   Green Investing Solutions through The Enterprise Investment Scheme An excerpt from the Government’s Review of [...]

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Green Investing?

Green Investing? Original Author: Nicholas Dimmock Source: 350  Compliance Status: This article has been approved by Kession Capital as a Financial Promotion. Status / Reproduction Status:  This green investing and green investment solutions article has been written and compiled by 350 PPM Ltd. 350 PPM Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Kession Capital Limited (FRN: 582160) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Tax treatment is dependent upon individual circumstances and may be be subject to change in future. Green Investing ? I was invited to a Green Conference a few months ago, Apparently, the company that had advised the Government [...]

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Insider view: The private sector’s role in the Paris Agreement

The USA’s largest conference and expo for Energy, Utility and Environment (EUEC 2016) kicked off last week, marking one of the first major climate change and energy related events since COP21 in Paris. High on the agenda was GHG mitigation through the use of renewable energy, and the related environmental and utility regulation. The context of this is the heavy reliance on the private sector involvement and the mechanisms by which investments in renewable energy and power infrastructure will actually take place. One of our directors and a senior partner at the Danish consulting and engineering experts Grue + Hornstrup A/S, [...]

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350 PPM Ltd hires Tim Hyett as Managing Director

350 has hired Tim Hyett as Managing Director in order to increase the scale and scope of fundraising within the group to capitalise on the additional opportunities presented by successful negotiations of the new Paris Agreement at COP 21 in December. Nick Dimmock, Managing Director of Solar 350 comments; this announcement is slightly belated as Tim joined us in late November of last year in anticipation of a successful outcome of COP 21. He has been contributing significantly to the success of the business. Tim’s role is to attract additional EIS and Institutional investment to 350 companies, to gain FCA regulation [...]

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Solar panels in a town, pic

Renewable Projects: Round-up & 2016 Preview

"With so many renewable projects out there, you’ve got to apply some pretty strict criteria to separate out the best opportunities from the riskier ones. That’s our challenge..." This week I managed to pin down our busy Business Development Director, Bill Goldie to get a run down of the 350 projects we’re engaged with. In between trips to China, India and Mexico, he explained his number one priority for selecting a renewable energy projects: “Generally, the projects we work on are exceptionally high quality in terms of their development potential, and based in countries that are transitioning from developing to [...]

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Introducing our new South America team leaders

Solar 350 is pleased to welcome onboard two very experienced project procurement experts to lead our South American business development programme. Axel Schmid will be heading-up our growing deal stream in South America, assisted by Jennifer Rivera Opazo. Together they bring with them the expert local business knowledge and contacts that are essential for operating projects like ours. Our team now brings together Chinese solar industrial partners (led by Bill Goldie) European and American financial partners (led by CFO Justin Passfield) and European engineering and carbon trading services (led by Nick Dimmock and Doug Marett of Grue [...]

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David Burns joins Solar 350 as Chairman

Solar 350 is delighted to announce David Burns' appointment as our new Chairman. Having been an early investor and independent director of the company in its initial stages, David is taking on the leadership of the board to oversee a critical phase in our expansion. His appointment is another step forwards for Solar 350’s plans for 2015/16, building a senior management team experienced in both developing and financing multiparty renewable energy projects. David is the right candidate to help us knit together our Chinese solar conglomerates, large infrastructure fund clients, equity/debt providers and local JV partners. His background in [...]

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