Author: admin

Environmental Finance News 350 PPM Ltd – 17.1.20

We have kicked off the first Environmental News Mailer of 2020 with a full round up of news from the 350 PPM portfolio of environmental and renewable energy companies, including Storelectric, developers of utility scale energy storage systems, Waste to Energy Solutions, energy from waste project developers, PAPA ONE (Paris Ageement Project Accelerator) and Plastic Green Power Ltd, which provides energy consultancy for the purpose of commercialising opportunities in the distributed energy markets. There is some great news from Storelectric with them being named as one of Hello Tomorrow’s Deep Tech Pioneers.  A wonderful achievement for them and an acknowledgement, that [...]

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PAPA ONE – Introduction Video

PAPA ONE (Paris Agreement Project Accelerator) from the 350 PPM portfolio have created a video detailing who they are and what they do. “The key purposes of PAPA ONE is to help with climate change and to do every bit that we can to increase electricity generation through renewable means” - Luis Novella, Chairman. Hear also from MD, Adam Smith and 350 PPM, Director, Nick Dimmock with valuable insights into Mexico, the renewable market and potential for investors. Click below to watch the full video: PAPA ONE

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Kids making 350 PPM logo

Environmental Finance News 350 PPM Ltd – 30.12.19

Our last Environmental Finance News Mailer of 2019 is out. It contains a roundup from COP 25 and what it means going forwards.The mailer also includes links to articles from the environmental and renewable sector, which we think will interest you. Click below for complete details: See Complete Email Here If you wish to receive our future mailers, please click here

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London Investor Show and Introduction to Plastic Green Power

350 PPM exhibited at the London Investor Show with its partner companies. It was a huge success with investors taking deep interest in 350 PPM Capitalist Solutions to Climate Change. Watch 350 PPM team, Nicholas Dimmock (Director, 350 PPM Ltd) along with Sean Lindgren (Founder & CEO PGP), giving away detailed intro on Plastic Green Power. Plastic Green Power - A Detailed Introdcution

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Return of the Capacity Market and additional subsidies available for Storelectric and Plastic Green Power.

Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Andrea Leadsom had given a statement in the House of Commons on the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York on 23rd September, 2019. Following her statement, the Secretary of State, has published the Energy Policy as well: "The Government welcomes the Commission’s decision, which enables the Capacity Market to resume its important work as Great Britain’s principal tool for ensuring electricity security of supply and provides confidence that its design is fit for purpose." Andrea Leadsom (Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) For complete [...]

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Mid-Quarter Investor Update: Q3 2019

Mid-Quarter Investor Update: Q3 2019' main author:  Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Director of Investor Relations, 350 PPM Ltd.   Section 'Sector Commentary' by the 350 PPM Research Team. Please feel free to forward on via Email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. Click-throughs in green. Headlines 350 PPM: 3 Year Anniversary; Transitions to advising companies on "Defined Exit" and "Milestone Funding" Corporate Structures.  Plans FinTech Global Platform to fund pre-construction development of environmental projects. Solar 350: Assists in placing MX1  (30MW Solar) with Mexican Infrastructure Firm.  Agrees Joint Venture with MX Developer going forward: Creates PAPA ONE - a "Defined Exit" Trading Company. Storelectric: Progress on collaborators,  project workshops and [...]

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Sector Research – Hydrogen – Is Rocket Fuel the Fuel of the Future?

Today we release the latest in our line of introductions to 350 PPM relevant sectors of the economy, this time focusing on hydrogen.  Given the breadth and potential importance of the subject matter, this is a more involved report than previous releases.  We provide an extract below, and you can download the full report using the following link: CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT: Sector Research Hydrogen Introduction Given a clearer picture of the consequences, climate change ambitions – certainly in the UK - are shifting towards the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels, rather than 2 ºC.  This [...]

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Today we release the latest in our line of short introductions to 350 PPM relevant sectors of the economy, this time focusing on bio-refining in the UK.  We provide an introduction below, and you can download the report using the following link:  FOR THE FULL REPORT PLEASE CLICK HERE 350 PPM Sector Research - Biorefining in the UK - OH - 2019 07 10 In the early 2000's more sophisticated US satellites started picking up dark spots appearing in the Nevada Desert. Under further investigation by Federal Agencies it was found that trucks were illegally fly tipping fatty wastes including what is known [...]

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