Tag: WCP

350 PPM Updates: Here comes Cool Net Zero: O-Hx releases EnergiVault’s 2-10

Dear All, Please see below for the latest updates from our client companies. Organic Heat Exchangers Ltd EnergiVault is a 1 MWh cold battery that can reduce cooling costs and carbon emissions by between 50% and even 100% in some circumstances.O-Hx has now released EnergiVaults 2-10, after extensive (very successful) trials at Quotient Sciences: A US Pharma.In fact, Quotient have given us a 95% rating, which means they are pretty happy with how Energivault has performed and thus we are now releasing EnergiVault’s 0000002 – 0000010.Here is the video update: O-Hx Releases EnergiVault's 2-10 Here is the link to our blog post with the three [...]

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350 PPM Updates: Pyrolysise Identifies Second Site, O-Hx Releases EnergiVault, 350 PPM adds to Dream Team

Dear All, Please see below for the latest updates from our client companies. PYROLYSISE LTD Pyrolysise has identified a second site for installation of its Waste Carbonisation Plants (WCP’s).The WCP’s can process unsorted waste, emissions and particle pollutants free, producing offtakes: Mineral Recyclables, Bio-Coal, Bio-Char and Bio-Oil.For these sites and others, we will be working with counterparties on site to utilise the Bio-Coal to develop baseload green energy and export to the grid.The mineral recyclables, bio-char and bio-oils will be sold off separately. One WCP, lease financed for circa £5M, will develop revenues of circa £290K per month.One WCP, which is based overseas, [...]

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Betting big on black gold for the offset market

Biochar technology is showing real potential for helping to mitigate climate change as well as reducing waste and producing energy as a byproduct. But what exactly is biochar and what is it made of? Biochar, or “black gold”, is a lightweight black residue made of carbon and ashes, remaining after heating biomass in a controlled process called pyrolysis. It is rich in pyrogenic carbon and can endure in soil for thousands of years. Although it looks a lot like common charcoal, biochar is produced using a specific process to reduce contamination and safely store carbon. During pyrolysis organic materials, such as wood [...]

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eradicate landfill

Ground-breaking waste carbonisation plant to eradicate landfill

UK-based business, Pyrolysise, is introducing new waste carbonisation technology with zero toxic emissions as a game-changing solution to reduce greenhouse gases by mining landfill and reclaiming redundant and contaminated land. John Bell, Managing Director of Pyrolysise, said: “Our technology goes way beyond the usual benefits of a waste recycling process and has huge potential for us to address the housing shortage by cleaning up existing landfills near residential areas, enabling the safe re-development of these areas for affordable housing and leisure amenities. “We’re aiming to eradicate landfill sites and create sustainable urban living capable of generating energy, sequestration of carbon and aesthetically [...]

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