Tag: Solar Investments

Environmental Finance News 350 PPM Ltd – 25-03-2021

Environmental Finance News - 350 PPM Ltd 350 PPM hand picks cutting edge environmental projects to showcase their proposals to its highly regarded environmental investor base Company News This month we look at battery energy storage. One of the issues with renewable energy is that it doesn’t necessarily happen when you need it, which makes storing and releasing it so important. Wind and solar is intermittent and if the wind drops or the cloud comes across, emergency power has to kick in. Lithium-ion batteries such as those used in Tesla cars are currently the main technology used to store and manage energy created [...]

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Sector Research: Opportunities in Latin American Solar.

We are pleased to bring you the latest sector research from the 350 PPM Research Department. Focusing on Opportunities in Latin American Solar. This report will outline some of Latin America's key tools to promote investment and provide an insight into some of the region's most attractive markets for solar investment. Please see below for an overview with extracts from the full report. Click below to download the full report: Click Here for Full Report: Sector Research - Opportunities in Latin American Solar Solar in 2020 & Key Mechanisms The report opens with a review of Solar in 2020 and [...]

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