Tag: renewables

Solar panels in a town, pic

UK Green Energy tax breaks pt 2: Towards a carbon tax?

In part one of this post we considered the crunch that changing tax legislation will bring to the UK renewable energy sector in 2015. Green investment tax breaks for many renewable electricity generators have already been cut, and this year even more are going to disappear. In this part, we'll ask what's next? After all, the requirement to reduce CO2 emissions isn't going to go away, so without green investment tax breaks for renewable energy generators, what will drive emissions reduction incentives? To recap, the old ‘double dip’ benefit of EIS/SEIS reliefs for investments in companies receiving indirect subsidies [...]

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not such a great investment?

UK green energy tax breaks: The clock is ticking…part 1

As this current tax year comes to an end in the UK, one of the biggest changes to the way we invest in renewable energy is due to fully kick in. The green energy tax breaks clock is ticking down over the next couple of months. From April 6 2015, the tax incentives to invest in solar, wind, hydro and bio-fuel projects - that have proven so effective at driving development in the UK renewables sector - are going to disappear. In fact (for solar and wind) many stopped last July, but more are on the way. Taken in [...]

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images of money

Are renewable subsidy cuts good for carbon emissions?

(Image credit: Images_of_Money via Flickr Creative Commons) It might seem counter intuitive, but there's an argument to be made that cutting renewable energy subsidies might not be a bad thing for the industry, and rising CO2 levels as well. On the surface, renewable subsidies have worked as a financial incentive to build more solar, wind and hydro projects, but it's also led to projects that (despite adding power to the local grid) haven't driven a proportional decline in carbon emissions or caused coal and gas power to scale down significantly. Maybe a rethink of the big picture for renewable [...]

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Enel Green Energy

The rise of renewable energy in Chile

Earlier this month Enel Green Energy brought 100MW of solar panels online in the South Atacama Desert in Chile. The South Atacama is also where our Solar Development company Solar 350 is about to start building our own solar parks, and where our carbon accreditation company Carbon 350 sees huge potential for emissions offsets. It is a unique location to optimise solar power, not just in terms of consistently high solar irradiation but also for creating the best C02/CO2e reductions from renewable power too. We're not surprised to see the rise of renewable energy in Chile. However these [...]

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350 on a roof!

The future’s bright… renewable energy development is too.

We’re coming up on the end of January in a year that will mark some major new developments for 350PPM and its family of companies. 2015 will be a groundbreaking year for us, quite literally, as we’re poised to break ground on our first SuperSol solar park project in Chile’s Atacama Desert. As you might already know, back in 2012 Solar 350 - our renewable energy development company - received SEIS / EIS accreditation from HMRC, laying the groundwork for investors to come on board with our solar energy projects. We also secured the rights to develop [...]

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