Tag: Renewable money blog

Cool Net Zero - Cooling

350 PPM: Cool Net Zero Environment Research Report Part 1

Introduction: This report provides an introduction to one of the least-discussed aspects of climate change mitigation strategies - cooling. We focus in particular on how Cold Thermal Energy Storage (CTES) can help in the decarbonisation of the cooling and electricity sectors - amongst others - by decoupling the generation of cooling from its consumption. Electrochemical batteries can do a similar thing for electricity but not precisely this for cooling. Cooling is more important, energy-intensive and polluting than many appreciate. It’s vital to many aspects of people’s lives - preserving food, vaccines, etc. - but at the same time consumes about a [...]

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350 PPM: Winner of Best Environmental Incubator 2021 and Happy New Year To All

Dear 350 PPM Follower / Subscriber / Investor / Reader,We are writing to you because at some point you have requested information from us on Environmental / ESG Investments or we have made introductions to participating environmental companies on your behalf – you may then have subsequently invested.Please note, all of the companies that we introduce, have their own investor relations teams, which are specially trained on the company, its developments and prospects. If we introduce you to any of these businesses, we gain an introduction fee, which pays wages and finances our research, which you can view here for free: FREE of [...]

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No way around hydrogen’ says RWE CEO, as firm lays out plans to invest billions in renewables

Hydrogen has a key role to play in the years ahead, especially in industrial applications, according to the CEO of German power company RWE. “When you look long term, there is no way around hydrogen,” Markus Krebber, who was speaking to CNBC’s Annette Weisbach, said. In an interview broadcast Tuesday morning, Krebber claimed this was because hydrogen was “the only technology … we currently know which is able to decarbonize those industries which cannot electrify like steel, but also some parts of the chemical industry.” Described by the International Energy Agency as a “versatile energy carrier,” hydrogen has a diverse range of applications and can [...]

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Hydrogen, not Cop26, will get us to net zero

The ‘magic molecule’ can produce both heat and energy, yet the Government has barely invested in this technology. As COP26 has ended, The Telegraph has highlighted a very important factor in getting to net zero. Practically our entire political and media class is convinced the world faces meltdown unless we lower our carbon emissions – reaching “net zero” by 2050. Meanwhile, millions of ordinary people look at this Glasgow gabfest and frown. Yes, there is broad understanding here in the UK we need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels such as coal and oil and pollute less, for the sake of our children and [...]

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Historic Emissions

Developed Vs Developing World: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is delivering a statement on her country's climate change efforts. She says we can ensure that our industries and businesses can develop the best technologies and ways to achieve climate neutrality. Taken together, the EU is the third largest emitter of CO2 in the world - behind only China and the US - and Germany emits the most individually of all the 27 EU nations. The crux of the matter is as follows: 1. Historic emissions 2. The demise of the clean development mechanism3. Emissions per capita. Historic emissions – 1. Whose fault is this? Not the [...]

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COP 26 Leak

COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report

A huge leak of documents seen by BBC News shows how countries are trying to change a crucial scientific report on how to tackle climate change. As per BBC News, the leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels. It also shows some wealthy nations are questioning paying more to poorer states to move to greener technologies. This "lobbying" raises questions for the COP26 climate summit in November. The leak reveals countries pushing back on UN recommendations for action and comes just days before they will [...]

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Emerging markets need $1 trln a year to get to net zero – BlackRock

Rueters report that emerging market economies need $1 trillion a year of public and private finance in order to transition to a low-carbon economy/net zero in the fight against climate change, a report from asset manager BlackRock (BLK.N) said. Quoting that article, this figure is a sharp increase on a United Nations target to mobilise $100 billion a year, BlackRock said in a report, adding emerging markets were "essential" to ensure the world succeeds in limiting global warming. The issue is expected to form a central plank of discussions at the next round of global climate talks, due to start in Glasgow on Oct. [...]

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Madagascar on the brink of climate change-induced famine – BBC

Climate change has started to show its effect on our planet. As per a recent article published on BBC, Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world's first "climate change famine", says the United Nations. Tens of thousands of people are already suffering "catastrophic" levels of hunger and food insecurity after four years without rain. The drought - the worst in four decades - has devastated isolated farming communities in the south of the country, leaving families to scavenge for insects to survive. "These are famine-like conditions and they're being driven by climate not conflict," said the UN World Food Programme's [...]

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Treating beef like coal would make a big dent in greenhouse-gas emissions – The Economist

In an article published in The Economist, it has been empahsised that cattle are a large producer of greenhouse gases. Few dishes whet more palates than a juicy cut of beef. One poll in 2014 found that steak was Americans’ favourite food. Unfortunately, by cooking so many cows, humans are cooking themselves, too. The impact of food on greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions can slip under the radar. In a survey in Britain last year, the share of respondents saying that “producing plants and meat on farms” was a “significant contributor” to climate change was the lowest among ten listed activities. Yet two [...]

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350 PPM Companies Update Dear 350 PPM Follower / Subscriber / Investor / Reader,We are writing to you because at some point you have requested information from us on Environmental / ESG Investments or we have made introductions to participating environmental companies on your behalf – you may then have subsequently invested.Please note, all of the companies detailed below have their own investor relations teams, which are specially trained on the company, its developments and prospects. If we introduce you to any of these businesses, we gain an introduction fee, which pays wages and finances our research, which you can view here for [...]

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