Tag: Investment Opportunities

Henley Royal Regatta

We were delighted to host so many of our brilliant clients and the wider industry and investor network in the Steward’s Enclosure at the Henley Royal Regatta this year. The weather was perfect, the company outstanding, and the nail-biting competition on the water was as exciting as ever.The event also marked the launch of EnviraBoard – an innovative new carbon-negative building board manufacturing business that we are supporting here in the UK.

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Ep.3 Green Deals: O-Hx Interests and Orders Flow; EnviraBoard Preps for Launch

Dear All, Please find link to Ep.3 Green Deals, featuring Organic Heat Exchangers and EnviraBoard – Carbon Negative Building Board. Ep. 3 - Green Deals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-h1rp2dUOE Subscribe to our YouTube channel here  Click this link to download the 350 PPM IM Over the last 15 years, EnviraBoard has invested, developed, developed, prototyped, developed and market tested their carbon negative building boards. The boards are made from secondary paper waste that cannot be recycled and would normally go to landfill costing each recycling centre circa £9M per year to dispose of. They are launching a SEED funding round on the 4th of July, to raise 2M. Website has all [...]

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350 PPM: Green Deals Episode 2

Dear All, Please find link to our 3 Min Vid: Green Deals Episode 2. This video details the progress line / trajectory of our cleantech clients. My phone did have a few problems with the light, so please try to ignore this. But its uncut, unedited and natural. The link is below. In Episode 3, I will talk about the profitability of 350 PPM and all of the measures to make it successful. In Episode 4, I will talk about all of the systems that we have for ensuring success. Please subscribe to the channel, give me a thumbs up or if your interested in [...]

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Green Deals

Ep.1 – Green Deals

As a moderately sane Gen X'er I have started watching a lot of YouTube. The news is still quite depressing, Netflix is all about crime and murder and Prime keeps trying to charge me for everything. So I watch a lot of Matt Armstrong (buys car write-offs and rebuilds them), what's going on in China; which seems to be approaching a 1929 recession, and loads of rowing vids. It's raw reality TV. But it is enjoyable. I know this content is built for Gen Y and being significantly influenced by Gen Z, but unless I am an outlier, it's going to include many Gen [...]

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350 PPM Looks to Scale Business Model

350 PPM LTD is funding. We funded in 2016, raising circa £100,000 to get the business going, in 2019; raising circa £300,000, which saw us through Covid and now we are going for a further £300,000. We believe we have built a machine capable of successfully incubating and accelerating topflight environmental growth companies and are rewarded through shares in the underlying company and consultancy payments. Following our Marine Corps initiative of 2021, all 10 members of our team join the respective companies and fight, on their side for their successes. To receive an Information Memorandum, please register your interest and download the information memorandum [...]

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350 PPM launches fundraise campaign for green tech expansion

We have launched a campaign to raise funds for the expansion of our business - specifically targeting the incubation and acceleration of breakthrough environmental companies. We have set ambitious targets for the financial year 2024/25, and in 2025, plan to launch a £100m institutional impact fund to support some of the most exciting environmental innovations to scale. Nick Dimmock, CEO at 350PPM, said: “The environmental revolution is still in its infancy, and at full capacity, we anticipate $7-10 trillion per year being invested in this sector. By launching our own fund, we’ll be able to scale our proven business model and support [...]

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Unearthing investment for the green economy

The green economy refers to an economic system that aims to foster sustainability and reduce environmental impact while promoting economic growth and development. It encompasses various sectors and practices that prioritise resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, conservation of natural resources, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. From sustainable agriculture and biodiversity to waste management and green finance, the green economy seeks to achieve a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity, ensuring that future generations can meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. While many of these areas continue to climb the mainstream [...]

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Climate Investment Opportunities Total $23 Trillion in Emerging Markets by 2030, Says Report

Since the Paris Agreement was adopted in December 2015, a total of 189 countries have submitted their national plans that target aggressive growth in climate solutions—including renewable energy, low-carbon cities, energy efficiency, sustainable forest management, and climate-smart agriculture. These plans, called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), offer a clear roadmap for investments that will target climate-resilient infrastructure and offset higher upfront costs through efficiency gains and fuel savings. An IFC report launched in November shows that the historic global agreement on climate change adopted in Paris helped open up nearly $23 trillion in opportunities for climate-smart investments in emerging markets between now and 2030. IFC’s [...]

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Sector Research: Opportunities in Latin American Solar.

We are pleased to bring you the latest sector research from the 350 PPM Research Department. Focusing on Opportunities in Latin American Solar. This report will outline some of Latin America's key tools to promote investment and provide an insight into some of the region's most attractive markets for solar investment. Please see below for an overview with extracts from the full report. Click below to download the full report: Click Here for Full Report: Sector Research - Opportunities in Latin American Solar Solar in 2020 & Key Mechanisms The report opens with a review of Solar in 2020 and [...]

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