Sector Research: Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions

Reducing Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions

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Add our homes together and they generate about 20% of the UK’s overall CO2 emissions. That’s to say, the average home generates 6 tonnes a year. Our homes’ energy supplies have their own significant carbon footprint. This costs us on average £1250 a year. This is according to The Money Advice Service.

Methods to Cut Domestic Energy Costs and Emissions:

This report outlines methods to cut carbon emissions and energy costs in the home, as the two are closely and happily related. We look at the broad range of possible solutions. We start with those that should be implemented first by all households. Some of these are free, cheap or have a short payback period. Lastly, we cover methods for households looking to go the extra mile. In other words, they want to greatly reduce emissions and energy costs. These methods involve producing and potentially storing renewable energy locally. At the expense of a larger outlay and slower payback period, these methods provide a more proactive route for households to fight climate change.

Topics Covered:

The Background section explores how we consume energy in a typical UK property. Also, what factors energy consumption depends on.

In the next section: Understanding your Energy System, we look at how to understand a home’s current energy system. For instance, understanding the installed features. As well as understanding the energy consumption and related costs.

Starter Methods, covers basic cost and emissions saving methods. All households should consider these first. The section is divided into Quick Wins and Basic Home Modifications. For instance, install insulation and update your heating system. The Advanced Methods section moves on to methods for those looking to greatly reduce emissions and ongoing energy costs. Subsections include producing renewable heat, generating renewable energy and how to store energy.

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