Category: News

Green Investing?

Green Investing? Original Author: Nicholas Dimmock Source: 350  Compliance Status: This article has been approved by Kession Capital as a Financial Promotion. Status / Reproduction Status:  This green investing and green investment solutions article has been written and compiled by 350 PPM Ltd. 350 PPM Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Kession Capital Limited (FRN: 582160) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Tax treatment is dependent upon individual circumstances and may be be subject to change in future. Green Investing ? I was invited to a Green Conference a few months ago, Apparently, the company that had advised the Government [...]

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Enel Green Energy

Mexico solar capacity to surge 521% this year, says GTM Research

Encouraging PV performance in the country's first Clean Energy Auction prompts GTM to revise its forecast; analysts now expect Mexico to add 646 MW of PV in 2016. Mexico's large-scale solar sector could be transformed this year, forming the bulk of the estimated 646 MW of new PV capacity. Solar PV’s dominance of Mexico’s inaugural Clean Energy Auction – in which it claimed 74% of the contracts offered – has compelled analysts at GTM Research to revise their installation forecasts upwards for 2016 to 646 MW. Last year, Mexico added 104 MW of solar PV, meaning this year’s revised forecast represents a growth [...]

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Insider view: The private sector’s role in the Paris Agreement

The USA’s largest conference and expo for Energy, Utility and Environment (EUEC 2016) kicked off last week, marking one of the first major climate change and energy related events since COP21 in Paris. High on the agenda was GHG mitigation through the use of renewable energy, and the related environmental and utility regulation. The context of this is the heavy reliance on the private sector involvement and the mechanisms by which investments in renewable energy and power infrastructure will actually take place. One of our directors and a senior partner at the Danish consulting and engineering experts Grue + Hornstrup A/S, [...]

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350 PPM Ltd hires Tim Hyett as Managing Director

350 has hired Tim Hyett as Managing Director in order to increase the scale and scope of fundraising within the group to capitalise on the additional opportunities presented by successful negotiations of the new Paris Agreement at COP 21 in December. Nick Dimmock, Managing Director of Solar 350 comments; this announcement is slightly belated as Tim joined us in late November of last year in anticipation of a successful outcome of COP 21. He has been contributing significantly to the success of the business. Tim’s role is to attract additional EIS and Institutional investment to 350 companies, to gain FCA regulation [...]

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Solar 350 has green lighted the creation of the Mexican SPV (special purpose vehicle) called Solar 350 Baja Cali 1. This is the legal entity is due to hold the development assets of the first of the Mexican Solar projects. Specifically, this is a 60 Mw Project located towards the top of Baja California in Mexico. The plant will service the energy needs of the rapidly developing Baja region and the rapidly increasing industrial base located around the border town of Tijuana. Many of you will know of Tijuana from its reputation as a party town, but the rapid economic development [...]

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So 2015 was a good year for renewables, or was it?

It’s important not to get too cocky about the health of the renewables industry worldwide. Figures released by the Clean Energy Pipeline organisation this week showed that global clean energy investment enjoyed double digit (14%) growth last year over 2015. But before you pop open the low carbon champers and celebrate another bumper year, the figures are a little misleading. For a start, many of the projects included in the figures have been raising money for years, which means the fact they came to fruition in 2015 makes the numbers look better than they really are. It’s not a sudden flow [...]

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2016 outlook for carbon reductions has never been better…

January is traditionally a time when we think about fresh starts and making the coming year better than the old one. It’s the time when diet books, quit-smoking services and recruitment companies are at their busiest. And this year, in the renewables sector, it’s also time for a positive change. 2015 saw investment decline in the UK as the last few subsidies and tax breaks ended for a lot of solar and wind (and of course, global emissions kept rising), but 2016 will be different. The outlook is more positive than its been in years. This is because the last-minute COP21 Paris [...]

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$500m pledge at COP 21: A return to global carbon trading

We're not ones to say "We told you so..." at 350, but we're delighted to hear that the COP 21 Climate Change summit has already established that carbon trading from emissions reductions is firmly back at the heart of the global climate change agenda. Regular readers of this blog will know that re-energising the carbon market is the most practical way to address global emissions increases. And more to the point, it's also the fairest way to affect greener, clean development in the developing world. On the opening session in Paris (COP21), Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland announced an [...]

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