350 PPM attended this year's Master Investor Show, along with several 350 PPM incubated companies. The Master Investor Show is the UK’s largest annual conference for private investors. To learn more about the event and our companies there are three videos below. The top video focuses on 350 itself. Then there is a video about incubated company Waste to Energy Solutions, who develop Energy from Waste plants. Finally, there is a video about incubated company Power on Demand Services, who develop gas-powered peaking plants.
Read MoreSpring Investor Update 2019 main author: Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Director of Investor Relations, 350 PPM Ltd. Section 'Sector Commentary' by the 350 PPM research team. _____________________ Headlines in Order of Funding Solar 350: Reaches verbal agreement to sell 420 MW pipeline, US buyer encourages further 2 GW of acquisitions / development in Mexico. 350 PPM: Exhibits at Master Investor Show, continues to scale rapidly. Storelectric: Raises £700,000+ through 350 PPM, makes final in British Renewable Energy Awards. Waste to Energy Solutions: Agrees strategic alliance with data centre company, continues SEIS fundraise. Power On Demand Services: Makes key hires and prepares for SEIS fundraise. . _____________________ Contents Sector & Business Case Analysis Under [...]
Read MoreWinter Investor Update 2018 main author: Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Director of Investor Relations, 350 PPM Ltd. Economic commentary by the 350 PPM research team. _____________________ Headlines in Order of Funding Solar 350: continues to market 420 MW Mexican solar pipeline - tense times but looking positive. 350 PPM: considers listing options as investment business scales and business model refines. Disarmco: now producing regular income, £6M in UN Bids outstanding. Storelectric: signs agreement with NAM, the largest energy company in the Netherlands. Waste to Energy Solutions: acquiring competitor and takes 12.5% stake in gas peaker business. . _____________________ Contents Economic Commentary Company Updates: Solar 350 Ltd 350 PPM Ltd Disarmco Holdings Ltd Storelectric Ltd Waste to Energy Solutions Ltd Contact Information Risk [...]
Read MoreOur Director of Investor Relations, Nick Dimmock, recently appeared on 'The Next 100 Days" podcast, a leading UK business podcast (http://thenext100days.org/). He talks all things climate change and 350 PPM related with hosts Graham Arrowsmith and Kevin Appleby. Play the podcast directly below, or access at your preferred podcast provider: iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-next-100-days-podcast/id1080281169?mt=2 Stitcher at http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=82388 Podbean at https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/7wb65-78266/The-Next-100-Days-Podcast Nick Dimmock on episode 150 of The Next 100 Days Podcast
Read More350 PPM held an investor event for Storelectric Ltd back in mid-December 2018. Storelectric's tagline is 'enabling renewables to power the world'; this enabling is done by storing energy on a large-scale using compressed air. You can find out more about the Storelectric investor event in the video below. Anyone interested in learning more or investing can contact us. Storeletric Investor Event 13/12/2018
Read MoreAuthor: Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Director of Investor Relations, 350 PPM Ltd. _____________________ Headlines Storelectric: new investment round with 350 PPM open; applies for significant grant from the EU. Solar 350: receives indicative offer for debt on 1st 30 MW solar project and is now close to selecting equity partner for 420 MW pipeline. 350 PPM: launches Storelectric expansion capital raise and Santander UK 7.375% Bond. _____________________ About 350 PPM 350 PPM Ltd is a corporate finance house, providing green investment opportunities (and structuring tax incentives where possible) to UK and International Investors and assisting “green” companies to raise finance and develop their businesses: 350 PPM Ltd identifies Companies, Projects [...]
Read MoreAuthor: Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Head of Corporate Finance 350 PPM Ltd. _____________________ Q2 2018 Summer Investor Update _____________________ Headlines Storelectric: wins €50,000 NAM Challenge & NAM commits to invest €50M in Storelectric’s projects, subject to due diligence. 350 PPM: now offer fixed income products / loan notes from household names – examples below with yield to maturities per annum paid to investors. Solar 350: pitches for $150M venture capital & markets 5 project pipeline (430 MW in total) to solar conglomorates. Carbon 350: European Union H2020 grant now awarded to Carbon 350. Currently developing the Zero Waste Electronic Market Place. EUA’s increase 27.5% to €16.99, CER’s rally 33% to €0.30, retreating off highs [...]
Read MoreAuthor: Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Head of Corporate Finance 350 PPM Ltd. _____________________ Q1 2018 Investor Update: Environmental Sector Rebounds amid Mid-Expansion Cycle Economic Slowdown _____________________ Headlines (in order of finance raised since 2009) Carbon 350: wins grant from European Union for €50,000, which can lead to further EU Funding of €2.3M to develop ZWIM – The Zero Waste Industrial Market Place. Solar 350: signs agreement for third party finance to ensure the first Two Mexican Solar Development Projects have sufficient funding to reach shovel ready / ready to build status – down payment received. 350 PPM: due to release Management Accounts covering period Nov 16 through to Nov 17 [...]
Read MoreAuthor: Alex Colvill, Research Analyst at 350 PPM. Welcome to the thrid edition of Weekly Environmental News. Each Friday we will select a few choice environmental titbits from the preceding week, a mixture of news headlines, interesting third party research, 350 PPM company news and perhaps some random stuff thrown in to make things slightly less dull. In this edition: Event: More on CleanTech Innovate 2018 Report: IEA global energy and CO2 status report News: Google hits 100% renewable target in 2017 Random Stuff: Defunct China space lab comes down over South Pacific __________________________ Event: More on CleanTech Innovate 2018 The annual CleanTech Innovate 2018 conference took place a couple of weeks [...]
Read MoreAuthor: Alex Colvill, Research Analyst at 350 PPM. Welcome to the second edition of Weekly Environmental News. Each Friday we will select a few choice environmental titbits from the preceding week, a mixture of news headlines, interesting third party research, 350 PPM company news and perhaps some random stuff thrown in to make things slightly less dull. In this edition: Event: 350 PPM Sponsored Evening with the Environment Minister Event: CleanTech Innovate 2018 Article: Sustainable Flight with Biofuels Random Stuff: Curiosity Rover - 2,000 Days on Mars __________________________ Event: 350 PPM Sponsored Evening with the Environment Minister This week 350 PPM sponsored an evening with the Environment Minister Michael Gove, in an event [...]
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