Category: News


350 PPM Companies Update Dear 350 PPM Follower / Subscriber / Investor / Reader,We are writing to you because at some point you have requested information from us on Environmental / ESG Investments or we have made introductions to participating environmental companies on your behalf – you may then have subsequently invested.Please note, all of the companies detailed below have their own investor relations teams, which are specially trained on the company, its developments and prospects. If we introduce you to any of these businesses, we gain an introduction fee, which pays wages and finances our research, which you can view here for [...]

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Zero Emission Bivalves or Insects for protein source? Come on!

The edible insects coming to a supermarket near you. As per a news article on BBC, it has long been suggested that we should start eating insects to help the environment, but for many of us it is not a palatable thought. One Israeli firm is hoping to win over the squeamish by adding different flavourings. Dror Tamir opens a packet of brown, jellied sweets. "Try one," says the boss of food tech firm Hargol. The little gummies are packed with protein, but not from soy or gelatine. They are instead made from an edible, jumping insect - locusts, which are a type [...]

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Celebrities urge world leaders at climate talks to curb animal farming

Joanna Lumley and Alesha Dixon also among 18 stars warning world will fail to limit disastrous temperature rises without radical changes. As per a recent article published by the Independent, a host of stars including Billie Eilish, Moby, Joaquin Phoenix and Stephen Fry are urging the government to get world leaders to debate animal agriculture at the upcoming climate crisis summit because of the environmental damage it causes. Eighteen celebrities have written to MP Alok Sharma, president of the Cop26 conference, asking him and other delegates to “formally and publicly recognise the role of animal agriculture as one of the largest contributors to climate change”. Other stars signing the letter [...]

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This is why we need GWh and TWh Storage

At least four of the smaller UK energy companies are expected to go bust next week amid soaring wholesale gas prices. In a recent article published on BBC, it has been revealed that four firms have asked larger players to bid to take over the supply to one million customers. The price rise has left some companies unable to provide their customers with the energy they have paid for. Industry rules mean supplies will continue for affected customers, and they will not lose money owed to them. The new company is also responsible for taking on any credit balances the customer may have. [...]

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Emissions from food alone could use up all of our budget for 1.5°C or 2°C – but we have a range of opportunities to avoid this

Our World in Data presents the data and research to make progress against the world’s largest problems.This blog post draws on data and research discussed in our entry on Environmental impacts of food production. In an article published by Hannah Ritchie on Our World in Data, it has been stated that to address global climate change we need to rapidly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. This often raises debate of where our attention should be: do we focus on energy or food; fossil fuels or meat? But this is a false dichotomy. If we don’t achieve large changes to both, then we [...]

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Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds

As per an article published in The Guardian, production of meat worldwide causes twice the pollution of production of plant-based foods, a major new study has found. The global production of food is responsible for a third of all planet-heating gases emitted by human activity, with the use of animals for meat causing twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods, a major new study has found. The entire system of food production, such as the use of farming machinery, spraying of fertilizer and transportation of products, causes 17.3bn metric tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, according to the research. This enormous release [...]

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UK power prices soar after key cable hit by blaze – BBC

A key electricity cable between Britain and France has been shut down, sending wholesale energy prices soaring. National Grid said a fire and planned maintenance at a site near Ashford in Kent means the cable will be totally offline until 25 September. Half of its capacity, or one gigawatt (GW) of power, is expected to remain unavailable until late March 2022. On Wednesday, British electricity prices for the following day jumped by 19% to £475 per megawatt hour (MWh). Earlier this month, energy regulator Ofgem warned that UK household energy bills would be affected by soaring prices of fossil fuels globally. The energy regulator told the [...]

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350 PPM Companies Update Please note, all of the companies detailed below have their own investor relations teams, which are specially trained on the company, its developments and prospects. If we introduce you to any of these businesses, we gain an introduction fee, which pays wages and finances our research, which you can view here for free: FREE of Charge or Obligation.All information provided for information only.If you do wish to forward this update onto friends and colleagues, you may wish to sign an Introducer Agreement first. If you do so, their will be an introducer Success Fee paid to you, in shares by [...]

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IMPAQT: Supporting the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture

In a recent post on Open Access Government, Coordinator of the Intelligent Management Systems for Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMPAQT) project Frank Kane discusses the path to revolutionising aquaculture and increasing the industry’s sustainability. With research and innovation at its core, the H2020 IMPAQT project brings together 21 multi-disciplinary partners, coordinated by the Marine Institute in Ireland, to develop and validate an intelligent management platform for sustainable integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) production. IMTA is a fresh concept in aquaculture where multiple species, from different levels on the food chain, are farmed on the same site, or within the vicinity of each [...]

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Is Aquaculture sustainable? – Australian Marine Conservation Society

Aquaculture or rather, fish farming, attracts considerable controversy. Some say it’s the most environmentally efficient food system we’ve got. Others say farmed fish are toxic, fed waste products and are polluting our precious oceans. The reality is that all of these things can be true. Let’s discuss. In terms of broad environmental impact, aquaculture has the potential to grow food more efficiently than most forms of animal agriculture as it can be done with substantially less reliance on natural resources. In the past we have made a lot of environmental mistakes on land and as we increase our focus on fish [...]

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