Category: News

World close to ‘irreversible’ climate breakdown, warn major studies – The Guardian

Key UN reports published in last two days warn urgent and collective action needed – as oil firms report astronomical profits. The climate crisis has reached a “really bleak moment”, one of the world’s leading climate scientists has said, after a slew of major reports laid bare how close the planet is to catastrophe. Collective action is needed by the world’s nations more now than at any point since the second world war to avoid climate tipping points, Prof Johan Rockström said, but geopolitical tensions are at a high. He said the world was coming “very, very close to irreversible changes … time [...]

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IEA forecasts fossil fuel demand will peak this decade – FT

The International Energy Agency has said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will accelerate a peak in the world’s consumption of fossil fuels, with gas demand now expected to join oil and coal in topping out near the end of this decade. Fatih Birol, head of the IEA, said the world was fast approaching a “pivotal moment in energy history” as demand for the fossil fuels that have underpinned the modern economy since the advent of the industrial evolution nears an inflection point. “After rapid growth in gas consumption in the last 10 years, we think the golden age of gas is [...]

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Top climate tech deals net nearly $4B in Q3, outpacing other industries – TechCrunch

Climate tech wrapped a strong Q3, landing three of the top four equity deals, including the whopping $1 billion Series A raised by fleet charging startup TeraWatt. While the broader market might be cooling, climate tech continues to be a hot ticket, with investment figures for top deals in Q3 outpacing the two previous quarters this year. In total, five climate tech startups made CB Insights’ top 10 equity deals list in Q3, pulling in a combined $3.7 billion. That far exceeds last quarter’s $2.5 billion across eight top startups and Q1’s $1.4 billion across five top startups. Top climate tech investments continued to diversify, too, [...]

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Megawatt Mosaic Ltd Promotional Video/Funding Round Live/Update 1 – 21st October 2022

Dear All Megawatt Mosaic’s Promotional Video is now live on their blog and their funding round is officially live. Please take a little time this weekend to watch the video to understand the company and its incredible potential by clicking below:  Megawatt Mosaic Promotional Video Latest news from funding side: We are due to receive a funding offer from a third party committed to assist in raising at least £500,000 for Megawatt Mosaic Ltd, as soon as we hit £200,000 from Lead Investors. To register your interest and download an Information Memorandum on Megawatt Mosaic Ltd or to register to become a Introducer please click below: Register [...]

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Netherlands Joins Spain and Poland in Move to Quit Energy Treaty – FT

Rebellion has mounted among EU countries over an international energy treaty that gives multinationals the power to sue governments, as the Netherlands became the third country to announce plans to withdraw from a pact it says stymies plans to tackle climate change. The Netherlands joined a move last week by Spain, following in the footsteps of Poland, in preparing to exit the Energy Charter Treaty that was intended to protect international energy investments by foreign companies or individuals. Italy withdrew in 2016 but remains bound by a 20-year sunset clause. Campaigners say the pact, designed in the 1990s to encourage [...]

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Strong Tides along UK Coast could create Electricity for less than cost of Nuclear Power

The UK has the second biggest tides in the world after Canada, peaking in the Bristol Channel, and along the coast of north Wales and northwest England – but it still hasn’t seized the use of tidal power. As per Sky News, the strong tides along Britain’s west coast could produce huge amounts of clean electricity for less than the cost of nuclear. The country has the second biggest tides in the world after Canada, peaking in the Bristol Channel, and along the coasts of north Wales and northwest England.According to experts, a network of seven tidal power plants could be built [...]

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Megawatt Mosaic SEIS & EIS Funding Launch Imminent – 14th October 2022

Dear All An accompanying video to this email detailing its contents can be found here: Video Update While we have had some investment into Megawatt Mosaic Ltd, their funding round is due to go officially live as soon as the video is launched, which should be next week. Megawatt Mosaic Ltd is a BESS (battery) and solar Project Developer. The MW Mosaic Team has been doing exactly this for the last 4 years for another company and have now chosen to do this for themselves and their shareholders as the energy crisis and climate crisis heats up further. The format and structure for financing MW [...]

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TEDD Presents to The Conservative Party Conference

Tidal Energy & Defence Developments recently presented at an ancillary event at The Conservative Party Conference. Originaly formed in 2014, TEDD is now backed by Environmental Incubator, 350 PPM Ltd. Highlights include: UK’s West Coast Has Second Largest Tidal Range In The World18 GW Planned Resulting in 30 GWh’s of Electricity Generation and 24 Million CO2e Emission Reductions Per Annum120 Year Lifetime of Projects – The Rance Project in France, built in the 60’s, is now generating electrity at a cost of €0.50 Per MWhOn 50 Year Bond Maturity, Tidal is now cheaper than Wind and absolutely predictableWith Projects down the [...]

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September Update from Organic Heat Exchangers & Megawatt Funding Round Launched – 30th September 2022

Dear All As an advance disclosure, 350 PPM owns shares in all of the businesses detailed below: Organic Heat Exchangers: 350 PPM is now heading up the early stage marketing on behalf of O-Hx. We are contacting Sustainability Directors in one of the six targeted industries across the world and sending them our EnergiVault Marketing Proposal. On the back of this we are hopeful they will book a site assessment and we can work out where there is greatest demand. Geoff Barker handles the enquiries and runs a provisional study to ascertain carbon and financial savings, hopefully leading to some orders. The investor [...]

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