Category: Environmental issues

Sustainable building

Building a sustainable future

By Nick Dimmock, CEO and Founder at 350 PPM As the developed world moves towards net zero targets, innovation in low-carbon and alternative building materials continues to accelerate. There are many exciting new products poised for exponential growth as demand continues to strengthen. From decarbonising concrete, to using waste streams to create new materials and harnessing bio-based materials for construction, a lot is happening when it comes to sustainable, low-carbon building materials. As a result, there are big opportunities for investors looking to profit from the inherent benefits of investing in green infrastructure for long-term prosperity. In order to meet the global climate change [...]

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Unearthing investment for the green economy

The green economy refers to an economic system that aims to foster sustainability and reduce environmental impact while promoting economic growth and development. It encompasses various sectors and practices that prioritise resource efficiency, renewable energy sources, conservation of natural resources, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. From sustainable agriculture and biodiversity to waste management and green finance, the green economy seeks to achieve a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity, ensuring that future generations can meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. While many of these areas continue to climb the mainstream [...]

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