GreenMine begins its run of the entrepreneurial gauntlet to Institutional Investment

Dear All,

Did you know that Running the Gauntlet has no relation to the glove?

The term “Running The Gauntlet” dates from the first half of the 1600s, and derives from the word gantlope, which itself comes from the Swedish word gatlopp, for “lane-course”. It was in fact a form of military punishment where a man ran between two rows of soldiers who struck him with sticks or knotted ropes.

Sometimes, it seems to me this is what the entrepreneurial gauntlet feels like. In the early stages, nobody wants you to win apart from your Mum.

G8 and are now passing them onto an institutional fund, which has agreed to invest £20M, now seems an appropriate time to start another campaign.

We were introduced to ENG8 in February 2022, starting our campaign in Feb 2023 and now we are out. This cycle generally fits into when the institutional funds deploy capital – which is typically Jan – April.

As a quick brief, GreenMine has co-developed technology that can process UNSORTED waste on an emission free basis. GreenMine will now start small waste projects around the UK in phase 1 of their ambitious plans.

In phase 2, GreenMine will increase the size of the Waste Processing Units and start processing, remediating, and cleaning 50 Hectare + landfill sites ready for redevelopment of housing. Where possible GreenMine will encourage Eco-Housing, which is more attractive to consumers and can command a higher price from developers for the land.

GreenMine – solving waste and housing

Here is the GreenMine update:

  1. We have identified several industrial waste sites, and started planning and environmental permitting applications for our first selected site in North Wales with an expectation of permitting approvals in Q4 2024. This expectation is based on location, the site’s current industrial use and historical permitting status.
  2. Extended the services of Stopford Consultancy to include an ECPM contract and completed our first desk study of Industrial site suitability.
  3. Stopford has completed a two-stage due diligence process to validate the waste carbonisation plant for UK compliance enabling us to improve upon our manufacturing contracting strategy.
  4. GreenMine is entering into a “Project Specific Joint Venture Agreement” with one of our leading waste carbonisation manufacturers to install a target figure of up to six 2 x 2 tonne per hour units in 2024-2025 to generate revenue of circa £300k monthly per plant/site.
  5. The units will be imported, and the ancillary equipment sourced and built in the UK enhancing national compliance and speeding up assembly time.
  6. GreenMine is investigating an option of insurance cover for up to 100% protection of investment for our current and future investors.
  7. GreenMine has access to plant and project performance insurance cover which has undergone initial assessment as a first step toward an initial non-binding offer for cover followed by a binding offer after 90 days due diligence.
  8. 350 PPM team members are fully integrated into GreenMine’s team which you can see here, handling all aspects of business and administration so that the core GreenMine team can concentrate on developing the projects and creating revenue for expansion and a future exit for investors.
  9. In Q1 2023, we used our GIS based landfill software to identify suitable sites for reclamation to meet the criteria of cleaning up the environment and providing a solution for toxic problematic sites in urban communities with a 3–5-year excavation plan for land rehabilitation. In Q1 2025 the GIS software will be used to identify final sites for landfill mining operations and housing development plans.

Although we have been working on this project for a little while we have now compressed GreenMine’s development into 12 months. This concentrated 12 month plan will be very active, leading to having our first project operational and attracting institutional investment to take the company to the next phase of its exciting growth plans.

There is additional information on their website and there is also a monthly forecast and share valuation document with FAQs now available.

That’s all for now, but please note GreenMine is set to be our primary 2024 project and should replicate the success of ENG8. It should be noted that GreenMine is EIS qualifying and all EIS claims have been honoured.

Yours Sincerely,

Nicholas Dimmock (BA MBA CASS)
Managing Director
350 PPM Ltd

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