350 PPM Looks to Scale Business Model

350 PPM LTD is funding.

We funded in 2016, raising circa £100,000 to get the business going, in 2019; raising circa £300,000, which saw us through Covid and now we are going for a further £300,000.

We believe we have built a machine capable of successfully incubating and accelerating topflight environmental growth companies and are rewarded through shares in the underlying company and consultancy payments.

Following our Marine Corps initiative of 2021, all 10 members of our team join the respective companies and fight, on their side for their successes.

To receive an Information Memorandum, please register your interest and download the information memorandum here.

350 PPM recorded profits of £707,864 profit for the year to November 2022, so our systems are working, but further funding will help us scale aggressively and launch our own Impact Fund.

Please come back to me on this email with any questions or register and put your question in the box by clicking here.

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