350 PPM Companies Update


Dear 350 PPM Follower / Subscriber / Investor / Reader,

We are writing to you because at some point you have requested information from us on Environmental / ESG Investments or we have made introductions to participating environmental companies on your behalf – you may then have subsequently invested.

Please note, all of the companies detailed below have their own investor relations teams, which are specially trained on the company, its developments and prospects. If we introduce you to any of these businesses, we can gain a commission, which pays wages and finances our research, which you can view here for free.

All information provided for information only.

Updates as follows:

Storelectric Ltd

“All the batteries we make now can ONLY store 10 minutes of the world’s electricity needs, we need a breakthrough here, something that is going to be a factor of a HUNDRED better than what we have today”…Bill Gates

Since 2013, Storelectric has been developing utility scale energy storage technologies. Storelectric Ltd was the 2nd Company 350 PPM backed in 2017 and then again in 2019.

Having won The Shell Springboard and the NAM challenge (NAM is Holland’s largest Energy Company), both for Energy Storage Solutions with its improvements to the CAES system and the resulting patents, Storelectric has just been awarded an “Energy Storage with Hydrogen Patent.

As a result of Storelectric’s existing business and the New Patent, Storelectric is now in talks with VCs, planning a £50M raise and with various SPACs in New York planning a 500M-2B raise. Dentons (the lawyers) are making the introductions and facilitating this and it’s interesting to note, after 5 years they are still working for Storelectric pro bono / FOC / for free.

The purpose of these institutional raises is to increase Storelectric’s pipeline of energy storage projects, complete pre-construction development and construct said projects, which will now include both hydrogen production and hydrogen energy storage.

You can request additional information on Storelectric by clicking here:  Investor-relations350@storelectric.com and /or register as a potential investor on their website directly here:  Please don’t forget to mention 350 PPM as we can make a commission and this finances our research. Alternatively, you are also welcome to email me directly: nickd@350ppm.co.uk and I can introduce you and explain a little more.

It is generally accepted that in order for renewables to power the world for every 3GW of renewables we need 1GW of storage Irena provides some additional information on the potential for energy storage through renewables proliferation:  here

The fundamental reason that hydrogen should be the winner is that hydrogen at room temperature is 3 times as energy dense as gasoline and of course you can compress to at least 100, 350, 700 bar making it even more energy dense, whereas of course you can’t compress liquids.

Right now you may be sensing the cross over between hydrogen and Compressed Air Energy Systems (CAES) and this is one of the synergies that Storelectric has on its side.  In addition there is considerable scope to their patent, which means we cannot see many work arounds. And thus Storelectric really consider their patent to be a gamechanger.  The patent is fully granted so if you want a copy please just email me back.

Supporting information below:

Video from Storelectric Winning Shell Springboard is here:

Video from Storelectric Winning NAM Challenge is here:

Latest Promotional Video is here:

Storelectric on CNBC: here:

Storelectric’s CTO Comments on Gigawatt Scale Storage for Renewables here:

350 PPM’s Research on Grid Scale Energy Storage is here:

350 PPM’s Research Note on Hydrogen is here: 

Again, please just email me and state you’d like further information and I will handle it from there: nickd@350ppm.co.uk

Plastic Green Power Ltd 


Plastic Green Power may not be that far behind Storelectric in terms of development, although the share price is yet to gain significantly.

While we launched the 1st raise for Storelectric at £0.24 pence, it then rose to £1.15, then £1.60 on Eurecca, they are now offering at  £3.00, while they have ambitions to VC at £12.00 and do the SPAC at £37.5 USD equivalent. Conversely, Plastic Green Power launched at circa £0.12, rose to £0.22 and they are now offering at £0.39.

Before you say this is all a bit mad, I commissioned a research piece on Listed Environmental Assets in March of 2020 because I was interested in investing for 350 PPM. You can read our research report, which was released in July 2020 here:

The interesting thing for me, was that CFDs (leveraged derivatives) are created off these listed assets and thus, I could get access to leverage of, in some cases 30 *  (although this becomes a bit wild). However, with interest rates so low borrowing was around 3%. Anyway, 350 PPM took positions in the following assets, as a result of the research we commissioned.

More importantly the below shows the level of interest in owning  or financing companies that can help solve the climate crisis, that really wasn’t there a couple of years ago and these are huge funds worth billions and billions, so it takes a lot of buying to attain this type of asset appreciation, and while I appreciate that 50% of a share’s performance comes from its sector (a rising tide lift all boats), there must have been some incredible individual performances from companies within the index/fund.

Kind Regards,

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