Equity – Why 350 PPM always takes a stake in the companies it champions.

Demonstrates the word Equity

350 PPM has equity shares in every single one of the environmental companies in its portfolio. That is because, ownership is an important part of the 350 PPM company philosophy.

Message to Potential Investors:

The message to investors is a strong one. 350 PPM will not ever onboard an environmental company for equity investment unless, 350 PPM itself is prepared to own equity and invest capital into that company. It is also our mission to support the companies along the journey. We support the companies through the four stages of commercialisation i.e. incubation, expansion, VC and listing. This strategy also gives 350 PPM the power as a shareholder and equity holder. In this way, 350 PPM influences the potential success of the client company. 350 PPM has considerable expertise in the renewable energy and green investment arena. Using these expertise, 350 PPM is always on hand to support its equity investment.

Defined Exit for Equity Holders:

Equity holders within the 350 PPM portfolio will usually receive a defined exit strategy unlike most other investments.

Where to Invest:

In the current climate, investors who are looking for equity shares are very cautious. These investors are looking to invest their capital away from the traditional markets. Their volatility and susceptibility to world events has been directly exposed by the COVID-19 crisis. 350 PPM’s portfolio of companies offers some protection from these external forces. Although, of course no investment is completely risk free.

In addition, the projects that 350 PPM champion, fall under the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. Investors are increasingly looking for an equity stake in something that offers financial security and also does some good in the world. Even, COVID-19 has fueled interest in ESG. 350 PPM’s mission Statement is “To assist via capitalist means, in reducing the level of CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 Parts of CO2 per Million parts of air”. This statement is a testament to 350 PPM’s ESG credentials.

350 PPM has a number of strategies. It puts its money where its mouth is. Also, 350 PPM takes an equity stake in only those companies which it advocates. There is usually a defined exit strategy or “Defined Exit Milestone Funding Model”. Using this strategy, 350 PPM supports and introduces only the cream of environmental companies and projects. These companies and projects always fall under the ESG criteria. These combined, should give confidence to the environmentally focused investor. To register your interest in 350 PPM’s portfolio, please drop your details here.

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