Spring Investor Update: Q1 2018

Author:  Nicholas Dimmock BA MBA(CASS), Head of Corporate Finance 350 PPM Ltd.


Q1 2018 Investor Update: Environmental Sector Rebounds amid Mid-Expansion Cycle Economic Slowdown



(in order of finance raised since 2009)

Carbon 350: wins grant from European Union for €50,000, which can lead to further EU Funding of €2.3M to develop ZWIM – The Zero Waste Industrial Market Place.

Solar 350: signs agreement for third party finance to ensure the first Two Mexican Solar Development Projects have sufficient funding to reach shovel ready / ready to build status – down payment received.

350 PPM: due to release Management Accounts covering period Nov 16 through to Nov 17 and expected to show profits of £130,000 for the period.

Disarmco: delivers 2500 units of Low Temperature Thermite and TIS (starters) to Bangladesh for use by the Pakistani MOD. Total order value for April delivery: £75,000.

Storelectric: close to finalising Pre-Feed work on Project No 1 and reaches last 3 of NAM (Netherlands Largest Gas Producer) Challenge to identify and fund utility scale environmental energy storage systems.

Social Power Partnerships: enters negotiations with Luxembourg based securitisation Fund to provide finance to housing associations and home owners seeking to improve energy efficiency in their homes.

LongBay SeaPower: Research Report on potential of UK Tidal Lagoon Power due shortly.


About 350 PPM

350 PPM Ltd is a corporate finance house, socially responsible / green investments within the environmental sector and utilising various investor tax incentives where possible.

350 PPM Ltd identifies Companies, Projects and Technologies that it believes will benefit substantially from the implementation of The Paris Agreement; the new global treaty to combat climate change and the environmental revolution, which is now fully underway.

350 PPM then structures these opportunities under the UK’s Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and works with, advises and raises finance for the above businesses along the commercialisation runway, to ensure they reach their full potential.

The commercialisation runway is defined within 350 as 4 financing stages: Incubation (typically via EIS), Expansion (via EIS), Venture Capital (Pre-IPO via VC’s, Family Offices, Institutional Investors etc), and Listing via 350’s NOMAD Partners.

350 PPM always invests in the companies it champions alongside it’s investment clients. By working closely with the company at every stage and assisting in its growth where possible, 350 PPM can protect its and its investor’s interests, influence the outcomes and share in the company’s and its client’s success both now and in the future.

All companies that 350 PPM champions are designed to profit extensively from the implementation of The Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is expected to increase environmental investment by circa 1 trillion USD per year above the existing base case each year on average between 2016 and 2050.  (Source: International Energy Agency: http://www.iea.org/Textbase/npsum/ETP2012SUM.pdf

Sir Nicholas Stern, estimates that not combatting climate change, will lead to losses in global GDP of between 5 and 20% based on several factors the most significant of which are breakdowns in supply chains, global unrest through loss of agricultural capabilities, fresh water supply issues, loss of land mass and housing. Summary and Link to Actual Report:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stern_Review.

Investors can register for further information here: https://350ppm.co.uk/enterprise-investment-scheme/ or via our Electronic Funding Platform here: https://350ppm.envestry.com/.

Businesses, Projects and Technologies looking for funding can register here: https://350ppm.envestry.com/companies/new


Table of Contents

Executive Summary & Economic Commentary

Carbon 350 Ltd

Solar 350 Ltd

350 PPM Ltd

Disarmco Holdings Ltd

Storelectric Ltd

Social Power Partnerships Ltd (SPP)

LongBay SeaPower Ltd

Contact Information

Risk Warnings


Executive Summary & Economic Commentary

In my opinion, we are currently in a mid-cycle slowdown.

This is the hiccup that occurs 7 years through the 14-year economic expansion cycle, which ultimately ends in a nasty 4-year recession. Joseph was onto something with his 7-year feast and famine prophecy, but his figures were a bit out.

How can this be reliable I hear you ask? Simple: its human nature to get ahead of ourselves as caution becomes overconfidence after the first seven years and then overconfidence becomes hubris after the second seven years. And straight after that rather than a hiccup, we have extended ourselves to such an extent there is a recession.

“An end to boom and bust” as Gordon Brown would say. Not likely.

Here is the cycle working, post 1955:

2018 – Mid Cycle Slowdown

2011 – End of Recession (Property/Land Related)

2007 – Start of Recession (Property/Land Related)

2000 – Mid Cycle Slowdown

1993 – End of Recession (Property/Land Related)

1989 – Start of Recession (Property/ Land Related

1982 – Mid Cycle Slowdown

1974 – End of Recession

1971 – Start of Recession

You can go back to 1955 using these measures and missing out the war years apparently it continues back to the 1880’s. It is basically, the 18-year property / land cycle which fuels everything. As everybody knows land and property is the biggest game in town.

18 Year Property Cycle: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=18+year+property+cycle&oq=18+year+property+cycle&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.4968j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

18 Year Business Cycle: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=z9nWWrjXMY36wALVzaz4CQ&q=18+year+business+cycle&oq=18+year+business+cycle&gs_l=psy-ab.3…163656.164535.0.165067.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.0.0….0.5XJa7oPG43c


So, When Did This Mid Cycle Slowdown Start?

A chart of the FTSE 100 shows this was reflected in the stock markets around the end of January 2018. Peak was 7,778, with recent low at 6,888 (11.44 % decline) and as of 23rd April, trading at 7,368 (5.2% of highs).

However, if we are in a mid-cycle slow down it is not the FTSE that appear to be taking the brunt of it. This is reserved for Bitcoin. Looking at that measure of madness and hubris. Here’s Bitcoin over 10 years: virtually nothing to $19,891 to low of $6,501 (decline of 67.3%) and currently trading at 8,858 (55.4% of highs).

I did get rather interested in Bitcoin when I heard there were only to be 21,000,000 created. Then I read that all these bitcoins can be broken up into unlimited smaller bitcoins.

After this, I realised that the coin is just a hedging instrument and there is no inherent value in it itself. The value, would appear to be in the hedge and the blockchain process. On this basis my question is what’s stopping it going to $0.10, now that the exchanges have developed futures contracts in it and accordingly, it can be shorted for both speculation and commercial purposes. Following on from this, if it is just a hedging instrument, can it go negative?

Just as an aside, apparently governments are very keen to move to 100% electronic money. This will give them greater control of fiscal stimuli. The problem with negative interest rates with a cash market is that the chap with the cash wins. No cash, means more control. So, there is a huge future in this sector, but just like everything else, it is most likely that the pioneers will end up with an arrow in their back.

Regardless, it all started going wrong at the end of January 2018 which was the peak of the chart as above.


So, What Does This All Mean?

It means that we are experiencing a mid-cycle slowdown; some companies might go bankrupt, a redistribution of wealth from those not in the know to those in the know and possibly some changes in global investment themes.

Bitcoin and other crypto’s have been stealing the limelight of late. In December, Google reported 28,632,890 searches for Bitcoin and related subjects in the locations 350 PPM advertises. In the same period 1,277,070 searches were completed for Investments and related subjects.

I would expect that some parts of Asia are going to be hit exceptionally hard as I have heard they are rather predisposed to a gamble.


Is there an upside?

The upside is probably that investors will move away from highly speculative themes, hopefully even speculative themes and move back to companies that make or create something as opposed to outright speculation or financial trading.

The other upside is that many of the scammers should have moved away from environmental opportunities to Bitcoin and the related Cryptos. This is helpful as a google search on Green Investment shows so many unregulated entities promoting green investment themes.

Of course, it is now time for me to promote environmental investment and talk about the 1-2 trillion which needs to be invested each and every year up to 2050 to reduce gaseous pollution and fight climate change.

Regardless of this perceived slow down, the environmental revolution is gaining steam. Here is a chart of The European Union Allowance (EUA) Permit to Pollute the atmosphere with 1 ton of CO2 over the last year.___ 

Chart Showing ICE EUA Futures Dec ’18 (CKZ18) ICE

The chart opens at €4.67, high is €13.90 (gain 197%), and currently trading at €13.05. This is mostly due to reforms with the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. However, there is a general ramp up in preparation across the industry.

Our contacts within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are reporting a huge ramp up in activity in terms of both financing and the flexible mechanisms in terms of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

CERs have also increased in value by 25% in the last year, but as the flexible mechanisms under The Paris Agreement are not likely to be agreed until the COP 24 in Katowice this December or COP 25 (location to be to be decided) and as such, we haven’t seen the sort of gains made by the EUA yet.

Now onto the company reports.


Carbon 350 Ltd

Starting Price: £13.50 per share

Current Price: £587.47 Per Share Based on ZWIM Forecasts Submitted to EU


Carbon 350 has been involved in accreditation, development and brokerage of emission reductions from circa 40 environmental projects leading to emission reductions of circa 126,000,000 over the crediting period of the projects.

Peak revenue for Carbon 350 reached £1.1M in 2011, on a valuation of circa £44M, creating a price per share of over £1000, but this value plunged as the value CERs fell due to the demise of The Kyoto Protocol. Carbon 350 has, accordingly, since the Clean Development Mechanism pipeline dried up in 2013 and CER prices crashed, been in the doldrums.

At €0.20 cents per CER, with the UN issuance fee of €0.20, there is currently no economic advantage for any of the projects and companies Carbon 350 has worked with, to issue CERs to Buyers.  CER prices are now expected to rebound, and as official certified units of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are at least expected to be used by Sovereign States who have signed The Paris Agreement to fulfil their reduction pledges, which according to our sources in the UNFCCC are shortly to become legally binding and thus penalties for noncompliance can be awarded.

A simple example is as follows: Belgium is 24,000,000 emissions over its NDC (its emission reduction schedule). It can be shamed and in future, most likely fined, or alternatively it can purchase 24,000,000 UNFCCC Certified Emission Reductions and then subsequently retire them to ensure compliance with its environmental objectives.

Mid Term Target for CER price is around €1.00. At this price, Carbon 350 makes €0.0195 per CER. Carbon 350 was involved in 126,000,000 forecast emission reductions over the crediting period of its projects. This creates a potential revenue of €2,457,000. Obviously, €1.00 is far away from an effective Carbon price of GBP 50, €60 and $7o, but at least things are moving in the right direction…finally.

In other news, Carbon 350 Ltd has been awarded a Grant from The European Union to develop The Zero Waste Industrial Market Place (ZWIM). This is an electronic marketplace to facilitate the trading of industrial products (values, machinery, parts), which when reconditioned can be resold.

To do this, we need to create a central market place and then bring in various outside systems such as an emission reduction database per product, United Nations Accreditation, Blockchain Technology for transactions as well as a mechanism to search CAD Design Drawings online to find suitable industrial equipment

The Carbon saving through reuse will be certified as an emission reduction and that emission reduction should be sufficient to make the behaviour of recondition, resale and reuse the economic choice.

The overall objective is to change the behaviour of the industrial equipment marketplace from utilise and dispose to utilise, recondition, resell. Thus ZWIM (the Zero Waste Market Place), creates the circular economy.

The initial grant is €50,000 followed by a second grant opportunity of €2.24 Million.


Solar 350 Ltd

Starting Price: £2.50 per share

Current Price: £24 per share


It has been a good and bad quarter for Solar 350. Effectively, a lot of my time has been taken up with negotiating with HMRC and there have been some project delays which have slowed our growth.

First the positives: Solar 350 has now received a down payment of circa $60,000 on the sale of its first two projects. The transaction involves the buyer guaranteeing to finance the development of the projects through to shovel ready in return for a 45% stake of the holding company, which contains the two underlying projects.

A typical but not optimized sales structure would be to sell 80% at Ready to Build leaving a 20% carry. In this situation to return to The Project Development Consortium on 200 MW’s of Projects would be:

Ready to Build:               80% * 200 * 100,000   = $16,000,000

Operational:                    20%/4 (dilution) * 200 * 1,400,000 = $14,000,000

Thus, out of the 30M, Solar 350’s share would be: $30M * 45% = $13.5M, though this nets down to 35% after bonus’s have been paid.

In addition to the above two projects, we are looking at four other project sites currently.


On the negative side, we are still negotiating with HMRC and Small Companies Enterprise Centre regarding our EIS Status.

They are still accusing us of being involved significantly in “Property Development” based the requirement of our project development business to at some point sign a Lease on Land.

As well as taking advice provided by our long term EIS Advisor, Boyd Carson of Sapphire (https://www.sapphirecapitalpartners.co.uk/sapphire-capital-eis-and-seis-team), I have now hired Victor Hawrych of Edwin Coe (https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/16954559/) to represent Solar 350 and we are developing our defence.

There are three options available to us, one of which should be successful based on their existing accusations, although which could cause some operational difficulties. The other two are based on qualitative and quantitively demonstrating that “Property Development” is not a significant part of our trade. In fact, property development is not anything to do with our trade, but the lease agreement with the landowner, according to HMRC, creates and interest in the land and thus characterises us as property developers based on our ability to charge a rent or toll for a person to cross that land. They have never used this excuse before and many qualifying businesses have leases on land or on buildings, so in my mind it is all a little absurd. Hydroelectric and Anerobic Digestion which were up until last year, eligible trades, would also require leases as would UK Wind and Solar projects yet none of these businesses were penalised.

can see that if we were running a conventional property development business: optioning land, getting permits and plans completed and then looking to sell to a builder, such as Redrow, Bellway etc, they would have a point because in property development the main driver in the success of the project is the location of that land and everything hangs off where the land is probably down to the last 500 metres – shops, schools, community etc.

In environmental project development, specifically Solar, the land is rather incidental. Obviously, you need somewhere to put the panels, but anywhere within 50KM of a 500 KV line is ok, and thus it is really grid connection and the power purchase agreements that ultimately drive the success of Solar projects.



Starting Price: £50 per share

Current Price: £130 per share


350 PPM’s Management Accounts for period up to November 2017 are due to be released shortly. They are expected to show profits during this period of circa £130,000.

PPM is raising to set itself up for the year ahead, mitigate any corporation tax liability and begin development of a specialist Milestone Funding Platform.

I will explain the rationale for the development of this platform:

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of The Kyoto Protocol was designed to incentivize environmental project development.  The CDM was a trailblazer in that over a period of 10 years, roughly, along with the Joint Implementation Mechanism (known as the JI) it incentivised the development of over 10,000 environmental projects. If you look at the figures, the emission reductions that these projects created eclipsed by a factor of 100 times (my personal estimate), what was achieved by the Emission Trading Schemes 1.72% per year.

As more projects started coming through the CDM, valuation benchmarks were established at points within the project development cycle at stages such as Project Idea Note, Validation, Registration, Verification and Issuance, based on the remaining risk factors to the buyers.

Based on the flexible mechanisms of the Paris Agreement being agreed and its logical that this occurs based on the huge success environmentally of these flexible mechanisms before and because generally, the UN creates fit for purpose mechanism as opposed to simply paying lip service to initiatives as we often see from Domestic Governments, it is likely the same thing develops with The Paris Agreement.

In fact, we are already seeing this with Solar: Land and Indicative is 20k per MW, with PPA in addition we are up to 70k per MW and Ready to Build is 100k per MW.

Creating this market place for investors with projects that have a defined development plan would allow investors to directly experience the increases in value their projects achieve on completion of the milestones and this could be reflected in the share prices.

Another benefit of it would be that we could reward the underlying companies at each milestone. I appreciate it maybe more convenient for companies/projects to raise all the funding in one go, but then control is generally lost. I know conventional crowdfunding offers all the funds in one go, but in the United States and Silicon Valley, milestone funding is implemented, and covenants exist which mean that the company must keep to the plan and achieve pre-agreed milestones before they can access the next lump of funding and reward themselves.

Effectively, milestone funding breaks down the whole into a series of steps, the successful implementation of which create a successful business or project. It also controls the timing issue because despite what company executives may think, the lead time to create a successful business or project is always longer than is expected and just throwing money at the problem is not the solution.

Regardless, it is our objective to develop the 350 PPM Milestone Funding Platform, alongside ZWIM as both platforms share many underlying similarities.

Other than that, 350 PPM is looking forward to a productive year, with the slate at present and in order being; 350 PPM Ltd, Solar 350, Longbay Seapower*, Storelectric and Social Power Partnerships* (*not yet confirmed).


Disarmco Holdings Ltd

Starting Price: £5.51 per share


Report Confidential but Available to DISCO Investors upon request.


Storelectric Ltd

Starting Price: £24.85 per share under EIS

Current Price: £120 (according to Storelectric)


Update April 2018

2018 has started quickly and further progress has been made on the actions described in the previous update. However as with any activity of a development nature there have been some delays, we consider these as important opportunities to help us better understand the nuances and subtleties of the work we are engaged in and thereby increase our value offering, further information on all the actions are described below. All in all we are happy with the progress and see 2018 as a critical year in Storelectric’ s ambition to realise its status as the number 1 supplier of large grid scale storage within 5 years.

  • Pre-Feed Work
    • KBB Deep’s geotechnical study is now finalised. As our first project uses existing caverns (an option which is the most cost effective and most timely) it was essential to check the suitability of these caverns for use in a CAES environment. We encountered some challenging questions from the rock mechanic study and after careful consultation with both KBB and Inovyn we are pleased to announce that subject to a final check typically conducted during the FEED stage (relating to a low probability blow out event) the caverns appear suitable.
    • The Fortum report describing the dynamic characteristics of the CAES plant is now complete and confirms the technical concept of the 40MW CAES plant.
    • The final COSTAIN report essentially bringing the other strands of the technical report together is due for final release in 2 weeks. Again, the report is expected to confirm the technical validity of the CAES concept.
    • With these reports completed we are very confident further discussions of the technical concept will be put to bed and we can refocus on the commercial implementation.
  • A revision of the commercial modelling has been done for 2020, which is the earliest our 40MW plant will be operational. As both the off-peak price of electricity will reduce significantly (based on Aurora Research) and the balancing/ancillary requirements will become more lucrative (based on National Grid reports) the impact on the share price will be significant. Our original model was based on the more prudent approach of using 2018 data. With the new update there is an increase in the Storelectric share price. For further updates please talk to your 350ppm representative.
  • To help further our expansion plans we will be starting a next round of funding, the amount targeted is £500K and this will be used for finalising technology updates but primarily for driving the business development and marketing campaigns including recruitment and strengthening the corporate image.
  • We are delighted to announce that we have a new chairman appointed for Storelectric – Paul Davies – ex PwC partner bringing large investment experience. Further information can be found on our website.
  • We are pleased to announce that we are now officially a Project of Common Interest (PCI) and we have specified a 40MW and 500MW plant in Cheshire. We are therefore now eligible for funding calls from the EU of which several are expected this year. These funds can be applied for FEED (phase2) and Construction (phase 3). Brexit is not expected to affect this opportunity.
  • We are further pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted (3 out of 45) to partner with NAM in the Netherlands utilising their infrastructure (which includes underground storage caverns). Further information can be found under NAM70 Challenge. NAM is a joint venture between Shell and Exon and as such represents a substantial opportunity for Storelectric. We were invited to Holland by Nam (all expenses paid) for 3 days in Early April, we met their engineers, their CEO and visited their gas storage sites. We will upload videos and photographs of the event on our website in due course. The final business presentation to a panel of a 5-jury team is on June 6th and if successful NAM would partner with us for a first project in the Netherlands and potentially invest in our 40MW in Cheshire.
  • CV Magazine’s Technology Innovator Awards have recognised Storelectric in no fewer than six awards in the four years 2015-2018: Innovation (twice), Ones to Watch in Energy Storage Solutions (twice), Most Innovative Start-up and CAES Business of the Year. Storelectric also received the award for Best Technology Innovator in Mar 2018 and is greatly honoured to have such repeated recognition & look forward to becoming Growth Company of the Year.
  • Lastly, we have finalised the update of our website and expect to start up a regular mailing list for our shareholders and other interested parties. To help further improve our public face any feedback on the website and the future mailings would be appreciated.


Social Power Partnerships Ltd (SPP)

Starting Price: Coverage Initiated

Current Price:  Model not yet validated


SPP has developed a third sector focused customer base, with coverage in three sectors:

  1. Registered Social Landlords (RSL’s)
  2. Charities
  3. Community Energy Groups (CEG’s)

Our clients have come from a combination of direct marketing and industry referrals. We work closely with an energy broker, Utility Aid, with whom we work on a cross referral basis

We are now looking at developing into two new areas: B2C and B2SME.


Social Power has developed a handful of clients through a combination of direct marketing and industry introductions.  Our clients now include V2C Housing, Tai Tarian Housing, Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust and Enfield Council.

Our experience is that these groups make decisions slowly and that they will always err on the side of caution.  To successfully market to this sector, we need to address the following issues:

  • Create products RSL’s need.
    • Eco1 resin solves a problem of hard to treat homes.
    • Prepay Solar addresses the issue of increasing credit exposures to residents from solar PV installation investment.
    • Hydroxy has the potential to extend boiler life through the transition from gas to renewable heating.
  • Take the work out of their analysis
    • We build all the models that a RSL could require to get a decision made.
  • Funding Support
    • Our funding partner Regenerco offer third party funded solutions.
  • We work closely with Pure Leapfrog and Unity Trust Bank on debt solutions.
  • Get sector buy in
    • Community Housing Cymru and the Federation of Scottish Housing Associations are influencers in Wales and Scotland respectively. We need to align ourselves with these agencies and encourage them to market our products.


To date SPP has worked with two charities, both animal sanctuaries and both came from referrals. We are currently bidding into an RSPB tender for solar carports.  This relationship came through a direct marketing effort eighteen months ago.

While progress has been slow to date, we believe this sector has huge potential, if we increase our marketing focus on it.  And here is why:

  • The sector is more conscious of its impact on the environment than most.
  • Many charities sit on healthy financial reserves that are either held as cash or in low returning bonds. Returns on Solar PV or LED lighting would offer a vastly improved return on investment.
  • There is potential to offer funding opportunities to their patron bases.
    • They could offer better returns than ISA’s or annuities.
    • Patrons get to act on climate change and help their preferred charity through impact investment.

Our marketing strategy for this sector includes the following:

  • Building social media campaigns around our previous projects and then marketing to other charities in the same field. What works for one animal rescue centre should work for the rest.
  • Work with groups like the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) to develop training packages.
  • Sponsor and speak at events like Small Charities Week
  • Target the top 50 UK charities with direct marketing campaigns.

Community Energy Groups

There are over 300 CEGs across Britain.  Their primary focus seems to be on solar PV projects. These are difficult times for the sector. Cuts in the FiT, the abolition of pre-qualification of FiT and the scrapping of SEIS/EIS allowances have all impacted this sector.  Despite this, many groups’ horizons remain firmly fixed on solar PV only.  I have heard people say “I did not know we can do things other than solar”.

We see an opportunity in this sector to educate CEGs on the products we offer and help them develop projects around these technologies.  We work closely with our local group, CREW, and have already delivered one LED project. We are now in the middle of delivering London’s first collective solar PV project with them.

We see the potential to run quarterly campaigns in each community. PV one quarter, insulation another, then Hydromx and finally LED’s.  We would also like to encourage groups to reach out to local businesses to support their progress towards sustainability.

We plan to market our offerings through four central bodies, Community Energy England, Community Energy London, Renew Wales and Community Energy Scotland.  Each group can offer regional coverage to CEGs.

New markets and new approaches

The sectors we have chosen to support are not always the fastest moving, so SPP is looking at new sectors to approach.   This will help our cash flow situation, create turnover for our suppliers and work for our install partners. The latter two will improve the rates at which we purchase goods and services.  We are looking to expand into two areas, B2C and B2SME.


Working with CEG’s has organically led us into the B2C sector and we plan to accelerate our activities in this area.  We see the following routes to market:

  • Increasing our activity with CEG’s on collective purchase schemes.
  • Offer products through energy supplier partners. Good Energy are keen on this concept.
  • Affiliate programmes with green focused groups, like the Green Party.
  • Acquiring broker lists for direct marketing campaigns. Early adopters, green focused groups and off gas grid addresses are all available content.
  • Strategic advertising. Eco magazines, self-build websites etc.


This is a relatively untapped sector and it is only in the last year or two that SME’s have started to consider their CSR profile around climate change.  Investment has been made easier by the availability of EU grants of up to £5k to encourage energy efficiency and renewable generation.

SPP believes the development of our Prepayment Solar tariff and a similar gas tariff built around Hydromx could accelerate the uptake on these products.  We are working closely with Good Energy to develop products for launch early next year.

We see three sectors immediately that would benefit from these tariffs:

  • Light industrial estates that want to improve their green credentials and offer tenants cheaper and greener energy.
  • Retail villages would have similar drivers.
  • Breweries and their chains of pubs.

Another sector that SPP is researching is the private landlord sector.  Environmental regulation will be introduced in 2018 that will stop any F and G EPC rated properties from entering the rental market. 15% of UK properties fall into this bracket.

We plan to target this sector through three avenues:

  • The National Landlords Association (NLA) has 60 000 members and the Residential Landlord Association (RLA) has 30 000 members. We have started initial discussion with them about marketing our products and services.
  • We have identified a broker list of 4000 names that are private landlords. We are now planning a direct marketing campaign.
  • Student housing is potentially an interesting sector. Smart prepay takes the credit risk out of offering facilities, while offering students a green tariff.


LongBay SeaPower

Starting Price: Coverage Not Initiated

Current Price: Coverage Not Initiated



To produce clean renewable energy for generations to come.

​To provide a solution to flood defence and coastal erosion and protect from sea level rises and storm surges.

​To stimulate long term economic regeneration.

​To grow all types of tourism.

​To lower the long-term cost of energy for residents and businesses.


Key Deliverables:

Inland flood defences in times of combined heavy rain and high tide. ​

A thoroughfare along the top of the wall suitable for pedestrians, cyclists and a possible tram system.

​Permanent access for commercial and recreational fishing.

​A ferry dock and terminal, operational regardless of tides.

​A permanent facility for water sports and recreational activities.

​Short term construction job.

​Direct and indirect short and long-term employment.

​Re-energising the UK’s steel, concrete and other related manufacturing industries.

​Low visual impact.

​Small sea floor footprint.


Tidal Energy:

True green power

An erosion free coastline

Miles of beautiful sandy beaches

Ferry service and marina

A brighter economic future

​Contribution towards national carbon emission targets.

​Environmentally protective design​


350 PPM Research Report on Tidal Power Potential to Follow.


Contact Information

Tel: +44 (0) 207 268 4873 (Switch Board)

Tel: 0203 151 1 350 / 0203 151 2 350 (Direct)

Fax: 0203 151 9 350

Level 1, Devonshire House, 1 Mayfair Place, London, W1J 8JA, United Kingdom.


Risk Warnings

350 PPM Ltd is an Appointed Representative of M J Hudson Advisors Limited (FRN: 692447) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise. An investor may not get back the amount of money invested. Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Currency denominated investments are subject to fluctuations in exchange rates that could have a positive or adverse effect on the value of, and income from, the investment.  No representation or warranty is given as to the availability of EIS relief / reliefs. Since the requirements to fall within the EIS must be monitored all the time it is possible that if the requirements are met today, they might not be tomorrow.  Investors should consult their professional advisers on the possible tax and other consequences of holding such investments.

The investment opportunities in this website are only available to persons who would be categorised as “professional clients” (including “elective professional clients”) as set out in COBS 3.5 of the
FCA Handbook: www.handbook.fca.org.uk/handbook/COBS/3/5.html. There is no access to the FSCS. Your capital is at risk if you invest. Please see the full Risk Warning here.