350 PPM Updates: ENG8 Q value provisional 5 electrical to electrical, Pyrolysise gains traction as application grows

News from two companies we are working with. Here are the updates from the companies themselves:

ENG8 (International) Ltd

ENG8’s Electrical to Electrical EnergiCell was tested at Culham Innovation Centre, home to The UK’s Atomic Energy Authority on Thursday 19th October 2023. In each run of circa 10 minutes, it scored circa 5; 1 unit of energy in, 5 liberated by fusion, so net 4. We must wait for the full report to see the exact figure. An independent validator, that tested it, thinks it can go up to a Q Value of 30. There is a lot of discussion about the hierarchy of energy generation. This is really graded over five determinants:

1- Baseload – non intermittent Vs intermittent

2- Excess Heat Produced – please remember that heat is the root cause of climate change, not emissions, so conventional nuclear is marked down, along with the new nuclear options.

3- Centralisation Versus Decentralised/Point of Use: is power produced where it’s needed: this is very important given the current grid constraints.

4- Emissions – gaseous and particulate pollution from manufacturing and in supply chain – solar panel manufacture is not exactly environmental but produces no emissions.

5- Cost per MWh of generation.

In all of these measurements , it appears that ENG8’s EnergiCells come out on top. No intermittency, power at point of use, whether in the house or in the car or elsewhere, no emissions- gaseous or particulate, and low cost energy, this will be determined by manufacturing and distribution costs but ENG8’s EnergiCells are on track to provide a low cost and secure source of energy for domestic and commercial users.   

350 PPM’s efforts to assist ENG8 in raising funding will most likely be curtailed shortly, as they step into the big league. Metaphorically speaking, they are out of nappies now and off to nursery. 

You can still register here for an information memorandum and our involvement will continue, but increasingly, we are seeing the larger institutional investors step in now:

The resultant hike in valuation due shortly may also make it less attractive for individual investors.


Pyrolysise Ltd, conversely, is six months to a year behind ENG8 and looking for support for development of its first Waste Carbonisation Plant (WCP).

Carbonisation, which is an extreme form of Pyrolysis, featuring two chambers, is really gaining traction as a solution to process completely unsorted waste.

We have had a lot of interest from the industry and interestingly Water companies, seeking to process their waste, and turn this into bio-char, which is considered to be black gold: 

This is much more acceptable than pumping out effluent directly into our rivers, completely illegally. This scandal has been in the news recently and the water companies are keen to resolve this issue.

The overall market is wide open, ripe for consolidation and desperate for an environmental solution that not only produces offtakes, emissions and particulate pollutants free, but offtakes that produce baseload power. 350 PPM is heavily involved and the WCPs will be branded as 350 Pyrolysise, to accentuate our environmental credentials.

Pyrolysise is still in its metaphorical nappies, but should be revenue positive within one year, solving many environmental and humanitarian problems, especially waste and housing.

Here’s the video:

Register for an IM below if your interested in having a look: 

Kind Regards

Nicholas Dimmock (BA MBA CASS)
Managing Director
350 PPM Ltd

ABOUT 350 PPM LTD 350 PPM LTD is an incubator and accelerator for early-stage companies operating in the clean energy and environmental protection sectors. Working from within our clients companies we deliver a wide range of services to support and drive their business growth. Our team of 7 becomes part of their team, aligning our objectives to ensure can provide maximum guidance and expertise to achieve their business goals. 

Our services

Securing funding from a wide range of investors at key stages; this will include angel investors, family offices, venture capital funds, and institutional investors.
Providing input on developing business plans.
Preparing Information Memoranda and other marketing material to support the fund raising.
Sales, marketing, and PR campaigns to increase exposure of our clients with key audiences and other stakeholders.
Accountancy and financial management.
Ulilising our established networks to recommend suitable professional service providers such as accountants and lawyers.
Acting as interim directors on client boards.
Setting up boards of directors to give direction and provide corporate governance.
Supporting clients with commercial contracts and negotiations with potential partners and suppliers.
Administration of Fundraises including; Subscription Bundles, Trade Ledgers, Shareholder Registers, Client KYC and Transaction Settlement and fullfillment.

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